For over 10 years, MVP laboratories has been manufacturing and distributing its product Prolongze, a fast acting male enhancement supplement. Made up of a number of potent ingredients, this product is supposedly doctor approved and is designed to be taken once a day. We wanted to uncover what this supplement was all about, so we took a look at the various other sites that were talking about it, and analyzed their ingredients to see how potent it really is.
What is Prolongze?
Based on an all natural formula, Prolongze is an all natural male enhancement supplement that works to eradicate your erectile dysfunction issues naturally. It is endorsed by a Doctor by the name of Suneil Jain, a homeopathic doctor located in Arizona, and has been featured in several leading men’s health magazines. Its important to note that although a supplement such as this male be doctor approved, that does not mean it has been tested in a clinical setting. Products like magna rx plus, xantho rx and others are all doctor approved, but we have tested them personally and they don’t work at all.
The ingredient list in Prolongze is actually quite extensive, and it is made up of a number of herbs and extracts which are designed to work effectively. One of the most notable ingredients is Yohimbe, which is a powerful stimulant which has been used in several other male enhancement products. Yohimbe is very potent, and if you suffer from any heart complications you should take the time to visit your physician to see if your heart is well enough to take any medications containing yohimbe.
The other ingredients in Prolongze include: Cnidium Monnier, Deer Antler, horny goat weed, tribulus terrestris, Liquorice extract, L-Arginine, L-Taurine, Stinging Nettle, and many more.
Where To Buy Prolongze
After some pretty extensive research, we found that literally the only place you can buy prolongze is on their official website. Currently, Prolongze retails at a price of $78.64 for a 3 months supply, but there is a free trial offer available. The free trial offer consists of a 7 day supply, and you only have to pay $6.95 for shipping and handling.
They even have a 30 day money back guarantee, however it is important to note that you need to send the product back with an RMA number in order to qualify for a refund.
Prolongze is actually a decent supplement, but you need to be cautious when using anything that contains Yohimbe. We have personally tested many products containing the substance, and the side effects can run from mild to severe. One big advantage to this product is that you can try it for a very low price, and see how your body responds to it. Like many of these supplements, it is hard to tell which ones will work for you, and which ones will be a fluke.
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