Celebrity Male Enhancement Endorsements
In the world of advertising and marketing, there are no shortage of celebrity’s that are willing to lend theirname to a product in exchange for a sizeable chunk of money. Celebrity endorsements and testimonials are nothing new, and we recently have seen a surge of them in the male enhancement world. Like most celebrity testimonials, it is important to realize that they are indeed getting paid to say good things about the product, even if they haven’t used them. So it is undoubtedly important to take what they say with a grain of salt, and a hint of scepticism. Let’s talk about the few celebrity’s that have endorsed Male Enhancement pills and products over the years.
Ron Jeremy – Several Products (Extenze, Vigrx Plus, and Others)
Ron Jeremy has long been attributed with having a relatively large penis, and there has been no shortage of penis pill companies that have signed him on to endorse their product. Back in the day (circa 2005) he was promoting a product called Extenze, which many of you have probably seen a commercial for on TV. He was doing trade shows, tv commercials, and even in person appearances on behalf of the company.
The former porn star has also endorsed some other well known products, such as Vigrx Plus and Longinexx to name a few. Each time, he has said that the product was the best he has ever seen.
However, some recent ads that we have come across have suggested that he now no longer endorses Extenze, but rather calls it a scam. If you don’t believe me then just watch this short video below:
As you can see, he clearly was getting paid to promote Extenze, and either his contract ran up, or he just became so fed up with the high quality ingredients in Extenze that he decided to bash it.
Well, the truth is that if you really watch the video closely, he doesn’t actually say that the product is bad, he just says that there are scams out there that you need to be aware of. The truth is, Extenze REALLY WAS a scam around 2006 because they were making unrealistic claims about how well the product would help increase your size, without backing those claims up with Scientific or medical data.
However, since 2009 it has been acquired by a new company and revamped it’s marketing and advertising efforts, and no longer makes claims such as these. So yes, it was a scam in the past, but has recently cleaned up their act.
Brian Gay – Vydox

Celebrity Endorsements of Male Enhancement Pills Review
Celebrity testimonials are not limited to former and current porn stars. Another celebrity endorser we recently came across was Brian Gay, who is a respected member and competitor on the PGA tour. He recently was acquired to endorse a product called Vydox, which was recently released in the middle of June 2012. According to those with inside knowledge of the agreement, Mr. Gay will have to display the Vydox logo both on his PGA tour apparel, as well as using his likeness in marketing materials.
I personally think this was a good move by the company that produces Vydox, mainly because the target audience of golf tends to be men who are older and may be in need of a supplement such as theirs. Either way, it is unknownas to whether or not Brian actually uses Vydox, or is simply endorsed by them.
Jimmy Johnson – Extenze
Extenze really is one of the biggest companies to attract celebrity talent to help increase brand awareness for their product, and another celebrity we came across in our research is Jimmy Johnson. As a former NFL coach with several Super Bowl Wins, he has endorsed many other products, including Denorex, which is a anti-dandruff shampoo, and digitalsupport.com, which is a PC care company.
No I don’t know about you, but there is something to be said about a guy that endorses so many products. Personally, I think that celebrity’s that do this are a little shallow and money hungry, and could care less whether or not you buy the product. However, some of them contribute the money they make to a good cause, or at least a substantial portion of it.
Bob Dole – Viagra
Believe it or not, Bob Dole has even endorsed male enhancement products. The former presidential republican candidate was recruited to appear in a Viagra ad, which was paid for by Pfizer. In the ad, he talks about his battles with prostate problems, and how it affected his sex life. He went on to explain how the little blue pill helped change his life for the better.
He actually went on to do a commercial for Pepsi that sort of mocked his original Viagra ad, check it out
The Truth About Celebrity Endorsements
The real truth behind these and other celebrity endorsements are that, no matter how cool the celebrity is or what they say about the product, there is no guarantee it will work for you. Most celebrity’s will say just about anything if paid the right amount, and they are in no way “experts” at determining which product could be right for you.
That being said, I can easily see how public opinion is swayed when someone famous talks about a specific product. It’s in our human nature to want to be like that person, and we want to drink what they drink, wear the shoes they wear, and of course, use the male enhancement pills that they use. Be yourself, and don’t let some actor or famous person talk you into buying stuff you might not even need.