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- 4 Inches in 4 Weeks
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Can You Really Grow Your Penis 4 Inches In 4 Weeks?
There is a specific ad floating around on the internet that is making promises that you can grow your penis 4 inches in 4 weeks, and I thought I would make this post to help debunk the myth that this is true. This particular ad actually has done a decent job of trying to prove that this is really the case, complete with an actual video showing weekly measurements taken proving that it indeed works.
But, there are a few catches here that, to the untrained eye, can leave you feeling scammed out of your money, and your confidence. Read on as we discuss the possibility of growing your penis 4 inches in 4 weeks.
The Promise
So, if you’re reading this, you probably just got done seeing an ad or a website that is making this promise. Most likely you were browsing through a porn site (don’t worry, I won’t hold it against you :))You may have even seen ads such as “even average guys can grow 3 inches in 3 weeks” with apparently guaranteed results, when you came across this ad, and probably peaked your curiosity.

I have personally seen these ads about 300 times, and it’s strange to see that it actually has not modified since its inception, as this is usually the case. To the left of this review is an example of one of these ads. So apparently this guy was contacted directly by the manufacturers of these supplements to personally try out there supplements.
He says he used them for 4 weeks, and to his amazement, he gained 4 inches in flaccid size! For those of you who don’t know what flaccid means, it means the size that you are when you are limp.
He then goes on to say that, since his blog is so popular, that they (the manufacturers of said supplements) are willing to give away a free trial of there products on his blog, all you have to do is pay a few bucks for shipping. Your thinking, “Wow, what a deal, sign me up!”, right? Think again.
The Catch
What he doesn’t tell you is that, once you signup for the supposed “free trials” of these supplements, you will end up being charged $79.95 after 15 days from the first one, and you’ll also be charged the “super-low” price of $79.88 after 18 days from HGH factor. That’s a grand total of $159.83…a much steeper price than you probably anticipated.
What’s more though, is that they CONTINUE to bill you every 30 days thereafter, the same amount of $159.83 total. In order to stop them from continually billing you, you would need to contact them directly and cancel all future orders. Sometimes this is easiersaid then done, because they tend to intentionally hide their contact information on their websites.
What’s even more interesting is the fact that inches in 3 weeks. They do say that you will see a “major size increase in length and girth”, but of course stop short of giving exact measurements.
The Bottom Line
I can’t even begin to tell you how many emails I get every week from guys that have been scammed in this way. It disappoints me that it happens as often as it does, but I am not particularly surprised that it has gone on for as long as it has. What really boggles my mind is the sheer amount of guys that get suckered by these scams. I would think, realistically, that there are probably 400 – 500 guys everyday that fall for the 3 inches in 3 weeks trick, maybe more.
What You Can Do
I have personally tested over 100 different male enhancement products over the years, and have found that most products suck. However, there are a few that, when used properly, can give you amazing results. They won’t increase the size of your penis 4 inches in 4 weeks, but over time can give you more realistic results. Check out my top choices for male enhancement here.
I have written a full article post on free trial scams, and how to protect you from them. It details the similar scam above, but gives you helpful and thoughtful tips on what to do after the fact, and how to protect yourself in the future.