Zyrexin and Alcohol – Can you Mix The Two?

Zyrexin Review
Most guys realize that when they drink, their natural sexual stamina and libido go down exponentially. This is usually due to alcohols numbing effects, and the body producing less testosterone. Many men across the US take male enhancement supplements for increased vigor in the bedroom, but does drinking alcohol and taking Zyrexin really work? We decided to look up some of the claims by men that you can still take this supplement and drink alcohol without having any problems.
First of you need to understand how all natural male enhancement works. When the penis is erect, blood is flowing through blood vessels to help keep up the erection. Zyrexin is supposed to increase the amount of blood that flows, thereby enhancing your erection and giving you sustained sexual vigor. Drugs that are pharmaceutical are different because they force the pleasure causing chemical in the brain, called dopamine, to release which gives you an erection that can last as much as 6 hours.
So, How About When You’re Drunk?
When you are drunk, however, the brain experiences delayed reactions, and usually mans libido goes limp. So does taking Zyrexin counteract the effects of alcohol? Well, from what we can tell from a variety of websites, most of the men we came across said that the effects of zyrexin were lessened due to ingesting alcohol, as what happens with most other male enhancers. If you want to be completely sure about performing right in the bedroom, you should completely abstain from drinking if you decide to take zyrexin.
Take a look at our zyrexin review to learn more about potential side effects and other pertinent information.