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- Zyrexin
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Zyrexin Overview
Zyrexin is an all natural male enhancement pill that can be found in local stores such as
Walmart, CVS, GNC, and many others. It is labeled as the “Worlds Strongest Sexual Enhancer”, and has been on the market for a few years now. But do the claims by Zyrexin really produce any tangible results? We decided to research as much information as we could and present the facts to you in an easy to read format, so you can make informed purchasing decisions.
What is Zyrexin
Where To Buy / Best Price
Our Results
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What Exactly is Zyrexin?
Zyrexin is an over the counter male enhancement pill that is a natural alternative to prescription drugs like the big V and others. It is intended to start working within 1 hour, and gives an all natural boost in sexual stamina, vigor, and size. Zyrexin contains all natural ingredients which help to create this temporary boost in size and girth. It usually stops working after a few hours, however, it is marketed to work up to 24 hours. This places it into one of the longer lasting supplements category.
What are the ingredients in Zyrexin?
Zyrexin is made up of a number of ingredients, including butea superba, which is a patented ingredient (this was confirmed with US Patent Office). It also contains Xanthoparmelia Scarbosa and cnidium monnier, common ingredients found in many male enhancement pills. There are no known side effects associated with any of these extracts. Other ingredients include l-arginine, yohimbe extract, epimedium (or horny goat weed), and velvet bean extract.
Yohimbe is somewhat controversial because of its potential side effects, which have been linked to men suffering from heart attacks. It can also be found in a number of other products, including stamina rx.
This product also contains a number of other filler ingredients which are found in minute quantities, and are therefore left out of this review.
It’s not recommended that you take Zyrexin with alcohol, as the depressing effects of alcohol will lower the pills effectiveness.
Reviews of Zyrexin
“I picked up a bottle of zyrexin at my local CVS a couple of weeks ago. Compared to the 5 or so Male Enhancement Pills that I have tried, including activator rx, I would give Zyrexin about a 8 out of 10 for a few reasons. Namely, while it says it will make you a beast in bed for a prolonged period of time, I noticed that it only worked for about an hour or two before the effects wore off. However, when I was sexually stimulated, I did feel a succinct different in my energy and stamina. I would recommend Zyrexin to any guy looking for a quick boost in sexual confidence.”
Josh, Texas
“As this belongs in one of the FAST acting pills category/family, which I’m not a huge,huge fan of, I kind of prefer the slow acting daily use pills like vigrx, prosolution etc etc. Anyway I have tried ZYREXIN pills on more than a dozen occassions and found that since I have ED , I needed TWO pills to get just a semi hard erection, but! The DAMN side effects are horrible!
“ZYREXIN is even WORSE than viagra, with symptoms of face redness, headflushing and massive massive headaches that last for hours. What I found with ZYREXIN- is it mirrors viagra side effects to a tee except times 3, for some reason.”
Joel, email we received
“I have tried this product quite a bit. It works fairly well. It takes a little longer then stated to kick in. Now the problem I have is now that that problems fixed my penis is very sensitive and can’t really last worth a damn.”
NewWarOrder, Comment On Youtube
“Look this product works- Dont knock it till you’ve tried it..I take TWO of these and I feel it works BETTER than viagra – without the nasty side effects of viagra or cialis..The drawback it it is a bit pricey at a dollar per pill…And yes it it is NOT for the weak of heart because it does elevate your blood pressure a bit but HOW else are you supposed to get blood down to the penis?..Mabe it is the yohimbe (most likely) but I still feel this stuff is safer than taking viagra every day.. try it.”
Joelb099, Youtube Review we received
Where To Buy and Prices
As we noted earlier in our review, Zyrexin is available over the counter in a number of drug stores, including CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid, Walmart, and even your local GNC. When compared to some other products in the same category, it is actually very cheap, and you can buy a one months supply for only $33 in GNC.
They used to actually sell Zyrexin on Amazon, but I believe it was withdrawn from their product selection due to a number of complaints from guys getting side effects from the yohimbe.
The cheapest price we found online was on ebay for a low price of only $15, and the cheapest price in stores was $17.99 at CVS. This is not a product that you would take on a daily basis, just as needed and we suggest that you do not take more than one pill in any 24 hour period. Several men have suggested side effects including headaches and abdominal pain while ingesting more than 1 pill.
Because Zyrexin contains yohimbe, it is likely NOT available for sale in countries where the substance is banned. These countries include New Zealand, Australia, and Canada, where yohimbe is classified as a scheduled drug requiring a prescription.
See how zyrexin compares to other male enhancement supplements we’ve tested
My Results From Taking Zyrexin
I decided to order my own bottle of Zyrexin direct from the manufacturer, to make sure I was getting the right formula. This is actually kind of important because there are alot of companies on amazon and ebay that sell counterfeit products, which may contain ingredients you didn’t expect. This was the case when I ordered libigrow, which apparently has a number of unauthorized retailers selling their product.
Anyway, I took 2 tablets as the label suggested, and within about a half hour, I definitely started to feel something. I got really horny all of a sudden, and about 15 min. later had a boner that could only be described as one of the biggest I’ve had in years.
However, at the same time I could sense that I was beginning to feel nauseous….Not a bed-ridden type of nausea, but just an uncomfortable feeling.
About 1.5 hours in I had to take care of this boner, so I plopped in front of my computer and started browsing through some porn sites. When I started to masturbate, the feeling was probably one of the most intense and euphoric feelings I’ve had in a long time.
However, at the same time the nausea seemed to REALLY start to kick in…I didn’t know if I wanted to orgasm or throw up, literally at the same time. Strangest feeling I’ve ever had.
By the time I climaxed I felt better, but that lingering sensation of nausea just didn’t go away. On top of that I started to get this weird mouthwatering sensation, like I had to continually spit. It got so bad that I found myself walking to the bathroom every 5 min or so to spit up the massive amount of phlegm that was building up in my mouth.
Then, about 2 hours in I started to get a shivering type feeling…almost like I had a fever. I was really cold, but when I threw on a blanket about 3 minutes later I started sweating. I’d take the blanket off, and then 3 min. later I was shivering again. This went on for about 2 hours, and finally began to subside.
The erections seemed to keep popping up throughout all of this by the way. I would get these random boners without even being stimulated. even the thought of sex was giving me a boner. But I just felt too sick to even do anything about it.
There are a number of warnings on the label of Zyrexin, which explicitly state that you should avoid taking this product if you are being treated for high blood pressure, kidney, thyroid, heart or liver disease. The manufacturer also recommends that you do not take this product for any length of time, as it is only intended to give you temporary results. They also explicitly state that you should consult a physician prior to use, and not use their product if you have a medical condition.
Our Recommendation
If your looking to try Zyrexin, do so with EXTREME caution. It does produce GREAT erections but, for me, got me feeling very sick at the same time. On a positive note, you can find it cheaply in many over the counter drug stores. The price is relatively low, and may be worth a try if you are looking for a temporary boost in your sex life.
However, that being said, I am not a HUGE proponent of taking ANYTHING that contains yohimbe. While it will get you hard relatively quickly, sometimes the side effects are simply not worth it. It could give you the feeling of being ridiculously horny, and ridiculously sick at the same time. Not a good feeling at all…
Most of the user results we came across were fair, however some of the marketing behind the product suggests that men think its supposed to make them grow, which is just simply not the case.
Overall though, If you’re looking for on-demand boners, this stuff works!
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