My Personal Xtreme Nitro Review/Results
Dave’s Rating: 
I have to admit I was intrigued the first time I heard about Xtreme Nitro. A ripped physique, chiseled abs, enhanced muscle growth, and increased libido all sound very appealing, and the marketing behind this supplement is nothing short of award winning.
But, what is it about Xtreme Nitro that separates it from the competition? I set out to answer that question myself, and decided to order a bottle myself to see what all the hype was about. In the interest of full disclosure, I have no affiliation with this company and I purchased this supplement with my own money.
Don’t want to read through all the fluff? Click here to skip to my results.
What is Xtreme Nitro?
Labeled as an “advanced body building agent, Xtreme Nitro is an all natural supplement that is reportedly designed to build muscle faster, increase your strength, and sculpt your body. On their website they mention Men’s Health and Muscle & Fitness magazine, but I searched all of these publications and even reached out to their editors, with no response.
Smart….especially since it was probably not featured in those publications. I’m sure Men’s Health would love to know that there logo is being used without permission though.
They also mention that due to popular demand from their TV commercial, supplies in stores are limited. Yet, we couldn’t find any info about Xtreme Nitro being sold in stores. In fact, I don’t even see evidence of a tv commercial, but I digress.
How Does It Work?
The home page of Xtreme Nitro is packed with jacked guys lifting 110 lb. dumbbells, calling it a “revolutionary breakthrough” in sports nutrition. But how exactly does it work?
After careful investigation of the label, I see that it contains L-Arginine, Vitamins B-3, B-6, and B-12, as well as zinc and magnesium. And then it hit me….it also contains one of my favorite (sarcasm intended) ingredients, yohimbe. Click here to see a picture of the label.
For those of you who are new to the site, I have sort of a love/hate relationship with yohimbe. On the one hand, it produces erections that would make you want to boink even the fattest of chicks. On the other hand, you’ll want to do so while hovering your mouth over the toilet because it will make you want to puke.
Yohimbe also has some other nasty side effects, like fever like symptoms, stomach discomfort, diarrhea, and dry mouth. If taken in a large enough dose yohimbe could ACTUALLY even kill you! I’m not making this stuff up, you can see examples of deaths from yohimbe here.
Now, it takes alot of yohimbe to kill a man (around 50 mg), and luckily Xtreme Nitro only contains 5 mg of the stuff. However, like all supplements as you take more of the substance, you start to build up somewhat of a tolerance to it. This is actually a good thing in this case.
My Results With Xtreme Nitro
As stated above, I’m not a huge fan of taking anything that contains Yohimbe, so I had to literally convince myself to take it. I manned up and started taking half the suggested dosage which is 2 capsules.
I have to say I did notice a slight change in my overall mood, kind of like that feeling when your just having an all around good day. The side effects were minimal, with the occasional clandestine spraying of farts around my local gym, coupled with a cough to cover them up.
I felt a “slight” increase in my overall intensity and focus during my workouts, but nothing too intense. I decided to up the ante after about a week of just taking 2 capsules and increase the dose to 4 capsules.
Overall, the energy level improved, but nothing on a significant level. I did notice that I was having trouble sleeping if I took it too late in the day, which no doubt was from the yohimbe and Green coffee bean extract (caffeine), another ingredient found in Xtreme Nitro.
So Did I End Up Looking Like The Dudes On Their Website?
No….as a matter of fact I say no change in my physique whatsoever. I’m a pretty lean guy to begin with, but could stand to lose about 10 pounds to start seeing my abs again.
There was no massive gain in size/strength, no faster recovery times, and certainly no boost in aerobic levels. I have to say that
- Cleverly designed website
- Cheap (it was free, or was it???)
- All natural ingredients
- Side effects were minimal
- Did not produce promised effects
- Free Trial is a scam (see below)
- Contains Yohimbe
But It’s FREE!! Or is it??
You’ve undboutabley come to this page seeking info on this product, and I do my best to give you my honest review/results with no bias. One thing you will want to watch out for with Xtreme Nitro is their free trial, which is REALLY not so free after all.
You see it works like this…they allure your curiosity with a free sample of their product, only to charge your credit card down the road, usually a very exhorbitant amount. “But it’s only $4.95, I know it’s not free but come on!! That’s cheap!“, you’re probably saying right now.
Well, that $4.95 charge is for the shipping. What they BARELY tell you in the fine print is that 14 days after ordering, they will charge your credit card the low, low price of just $79.87. That’s right, they will bill the card you used close to $80.
And what’s more, they will continually send you a new bottle of Xtreme Nitro every 30 days until you cancel. Some guys will literally be sent 4 – 6 bottles over the course of 6 months and not even realize they are being charged. If you do the math, that’s $479.22 after 6 months. Talk about a scam!!!
Run…don’t walk, run away from this product. Not only does it contain ingredients that may be potentially harmful for you, but it likely will not work, and you also will likely not realize your going to be charged until it’s too late. The flip side is, if you got to this page and you literally just ordered it, you should be in the clear. Just wait until you receive the product, and then immediately once you do call them to cancel.
They will try to get you to stick with the supplement and tell you things like “you need to take it longer to see the best results”, but trust me…just tell them you want to cancel and they will let you keep the bottle. This way you don’t end up getting a huge dent in your wallet, as well as your ego.
My Top Pre Workout Choice – Nitrocut
I’ve been a pretty avid weight lifter for most of my life, and I’m always looking for something to give me that “added edge.” I’ve tested dozens of different pre-workout supplements over the years, and wanted to share my personal review of Nitrocut.
Nitrocut is a leading stimulant-free pre workout supplement that works through the use of all natural ingredients, including the popular L-Arginine.