Xtreme Antler Overview
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Are you on Facebook? If so, you may have seen advertisements for incredible new supplement combinations that promise to make you look like a god. The link in the ad usually leads you to an “article” about how this is combination of supplements is what took {Insert Hollywood Action Movie Superstar Here} from bitty to buff for his latest blockbuster film.
This article is very good at sucking you in and making you believe that the next greatest discovery in muscle building supplementation has been made and you’re in on the ground floor. Oh and did I mention they offer it to you to try for FREE? But the truth of the matter is that it’s not a real article. The Hollywood star has never heard of the products. And trying them is anything but free.
Xtreme Antler is what brought you here, and I’m sorry to inform you that it is one of these scammy products. Usually paired with Maximum Shred, Xtreme Antler promises the moon and delivers mainly headaches (not the actual painful kind usually… more like the hassle kind). But if you still find yourself interested, read on, and I’ll tell you all about Xtreme Antler.
Xtreme Antler Benefits
According to the official website, if you used Xtreme Antler, you’ll find yourself with:
· Greater muscle gains.
· Faster muscle recovery times after workouts.
· Increased fat burning.
· A supercharged sex drive.
· Greater endurance.
· Improved memory and mental capacity.
Xtreme Antler Ingredients
The primary ingredient in focus within the Xtreme Antler formula is Deer Antler Velvet. It sounds strange,
and I suppose it is. It is the soft velvety substance that grows on the antlers of young deer. It can be and is harvested without causing harm to the deer, and it contains IGF-1. IGF-1, otherwise known as Insulin-Like Growth Factor—1, is a human growth factor that’s found in the body naturally. It’s actually found in several other supplements, including Antler X.
It’s responsible for growth in muscle, bone, and bodily tissue. So an increase in the body’s own natural stores can provide help
with muscle growth and recovery. There are a number of other helpful components found in Deer Antler, including Copper, Iron, Zinc, Prostaglandin, Manganese, Selenium, Calcium, Magnesium, and Potassium.
There have been a few studies done on the potential benefits of Deer Antler Velvet sprays and IGF-1 and how they can help you achieve bodybuilding goals. What is generally believed to be true is that in large doses (25 million nanograms of IGF-1), you will see a positive effect. An entire bottle of most Deer Antler sprays usually contains only 3,000 to 5,000 nanograms. I don’t know the exact number in Xtreme Antler, but I will guarantee you it comes in a lot closer to 3,000 than to 25 milion).
Xtreme Antler doesn’t disclose the rest of its ingredients, which is unfortunate because it’s pretty tough to tell what a
supplement can really do for you if you don’t know what’s actually even in it. We might be able to get past the fact that the IGF-1 in Xtreme Antler won’t help you, but maybe if there were something else that actually would, we could still find some use for it. But we don’t have that opportunity because they don’t tell us what’s in it.
Xtreme Antler Free Trial
The only way you can purchase Xtreme Antler is by signing up for their “free trial”. If you remember from above, I mentioned that this free trial was anything but free. Here’s how it works. You sign up for a free trial of Xtreme Antler. You pay only shipping ($3.95 currently) and they send you a month’s supply. From the day you place the order, you have 14 days to decide whether or not you like the product and wish to continue to use it. (That means that if you don’t get your order in the main for 5 to 7 days, you only have about a week).
If you like it, great. They’ll charge your credit card (the one you provided to pay the shipping charge) $79.97 for the “free trial” bottle you already received and sign you up to receive and be charged for a new bottle every month from then on. If you don’t like it, you need to call them within 14 days from placing your order, tell them you do not wish to enroll in their autoship program, and send the “free trial” bottle back. Unless you do this, you’ll end up paying $79.97 for your “free” bottle of Xtreme Antler.
But Does Xtreme Antler Work?
I get this question a lot. It’s tough to track down reviews from guys who want to talk about how Xtreme Antler works. Really the only thing that gets discussed is the scammy free trial situation. Usually they’ll throw in a “I felt a little energy boost” or a “By the way, this stuff is crap, I didn’t feel a thing.” One thing is for sure, I’ve never once seen a customer review where a guy raves about how great it is and how happy he is that it turns out he gets to pay $80 a month because of the autoship plan he accidentally signed up for. Never happens.
Our Xtreme Antler Recommendation
Lots of guys get scammed by these products. You wouldn’t believe the nightmare stories I’ve heard from guys having to fight with this company and others like it to get charges in the hundreds of dollars removed from their accounts. If you really feel like you have to try Deer Antler Velvet because you’ve heard so much about it, go with something cheaper. $80 may be the highest price out there. And definitely go with something that doesn’t try to trick you into repeat business with the fine print buried in the terms and conditions.