Xdrive For Men Review
Pleasure and performance go hand in hand, and you can’t have one without the other when it comes to male enhancement supplements. Xdrive For Men is the latest supplement to hit the market, and is currently being heavily promoted in GNC nutrition stores nationwide. But is this product simply an energy formula put in nice packaging, or does it really work to boost your overall sex drive and desire.
What is Xdrive For Men?
Xdrive for men is an all natural male enhancement product designed to increase sexual stamina, energy, and intensity, and is available without a prescription. The makers of Xdrive for men, Oceanus Naturals, have produced a wide array of male libido enhancing products, including the very popular m drive for men. This particular product actually follows a three pronged approach to help men with low libido.
The first is an energy capsule which is designed to be taken once daily, and is filled with ingredients that help to increase mood and energy. Upon further investigation, we learned that the ingredients in the xdrive performance pack include Vitamin C, D, K, and B6, thiamine, Niacin, zinc oxide, pantothemic acid, cordyceps extract, ginseng, guarana, green tea, maca, and eurycoma longfolia extract. It is important to note that Vitamin B6 is a very effective energy enhancer, and can be found in countless energy drinks.
Xdrive Performance Pack
The second part of Xdrive for men is a chewable performance tablet which contains large quantities of several aphrodisiacs that work to regulate sexual function. This is what is supposed to deliver the sexual intensity you need to perform best in the bedroom. The list of ingredients in the performance tablets include L-arginine, which helps produce Nitric Oxide, causing the smooth muscle around blood arteries to relax, and allow for increased blood flow during erection. Other ingredients include: caffeine, catuaba bark, muira puama, cordyceps sinensis, maca extract, epimedium, and damiana extract.
The third is a “stimulating lubricant” which is designed to give you that tingling sensation before and during sex to help stimulate yourself and your partner. We could not find any information on the ingredients in the xdrive for men stimulating gel.
Our Own Personal Review of XDrive For Men
Where Can You Buy Xdrive For Men?
It appears that the only 2 places you can purchase Xdrive for men is on their official website, or through the GNC website or local stores. We searched through the Amazon marketplace, as well as Ebay and several other retailers, and could not find any other place where it is available. The price was a steady $75 at practically all vendors stores.
So Does XDrive For Men Really Work?
Barring any biased opinion you may read on the official Xdrive for men website, reviews seemed generally mixed on the GNC website. While some men seemed to have some fairly good response from it, others were left wondering if the product works at all. We believe, like most dietary supplements, that their is a possibility that it may or may not work for you, simply because of the unregulated nature of these products.
We do recommend that you try Xdrive for men, for a wide variety of reasons. For one, GNC does not just approve any old product for sale in their stores, and I am sure that they tested the potency and reliability of the product before allowing it on their shelves. They also offer a 30 day money back guarantee, further enhancing their credibility. The main downside to this supplement is the lack of consumer discussion and testimonials, which we think is a result of the products newness. If you have used Xdrive for men, please email us your review and we will place it on our site.
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