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- Vitalikor
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Vitalikor Review
1. Vitalikor Review
Promising to help you to be “ready when you are”, Vitalikor is a fast acting male enhancement supplement we recently found through our research. This brand is actually quite new to the male enhancement world, and is manufactured by a company called Vitality Research Labs. It is also one of the few supplements of it’s kind that is sold nationwide in GNC stores, and is backed by licensed urologists. Let’s delve into what makes this such an effective product, and learn if it can give you the results you have been looking for. (Skip To Our Results)
2. What is Vitalikor?
Based on an all natural formula, Vitalikor is a non-prescription product designed to help boost male libido. There are actually 2 versions of the product, a fast acting formula, and a slow acting daily maintenance formula. Both are quite different from each other, and I only got a chance to use the fast acting version, so this review is based almost explicitly on the use of that one.
Update! – On Nov. 13, 2013 the FDA announced that a nationwide recall of the original Vitalikor product. Lab testing confirmed that it contains undeclared amounts of the active ingredients Vardenafil and Tadalafil.
The slow acting formula of Vitalikor contains the typical ingredients we see in many slow acting formulas, and includes maca, ginseng, l-arginine, ginko biloba, and other vitamins and minerals. This version of Vitalikor is supposed to be taken as a daily supplement, rather than an hour or two before sex.
When compared to Vigrx Plus, our number 1 slow acting supplement, I believe based on the ingredient list that it is not as potent. However, the use of L-Arginine has been proven in a couple of independent clinical studies to affect libido, especially when combined with all natural aphrodisiacs such as ginseng.
3. Ingredients in Vitalikor Fast Acting Supplement

Vitalikor Review
The fast acting formula of Vitalikor was extremely different from what we are used to seeing. This one, unlike the one described above, is supposed to be taken pretty much right before sex, on either an empty or full stomach.
The full ingredient list in the Vitalikor fast acting formula includes Rhizoma Polygonati, Semen Alli Tuberosi (don’t worry, it’s just a seed), Fructus Lycii, Semen Ziziphi, Flos Caryophyll, Cortex Connamomi, Herba Epimedii, Semen Alii Toberosi, Fructus Foeniculi, Radix Puerariae Lobatae, and Rhizome Dioscoraea.
The makers of Vitalikor promise that all of these ingredients combined will help to support sexual health and function, as well as improve performance. I have used a few ingredients in competing products, such as man up now, which contains semen all tuberosi. What was beneficial was that it did not contain any yohimbe, something that is found in about 90% of fast acting male enhancers. Not that this is a bad thing, though, because yohimbe can give you some serious side effects when taken in large quantities.
4. Questions I Have Received About Vitalikor
Q. Does the Daily Maintenance formula have the same effect as the fast acting, just over extended use?
A. Yes, it has the same effect but uses different ingredients to help you achieve an
erection when you want to. So basically, you won’t have to pop a pill 30 – 60 min. before sex with the daily maintenance
Q. How long does the Daily Maintenance take to start working?
A. That all depends on a variety of factors, including individual tolerance. Generally speaking it takes a few days to start feeling the initial effects from Vitalikor.
5. Our Results With Vitalikor
I ordered both the fast acting version and slow acting version of Vitalikor. The sample package came with 2 boxes, and according to the directions, your supposed to take the slow acting one everyday, and the fast acting one just when you need it.
I took the fast acting version of it and had a friend of mine test out the daily version of it. I always try to use caution when taking any fast acting supplements, mainly because I have experienced some pretty bad side effects from products like Eruption XL and Libido Max.The main reason I think I got sick from them, however, is because they contained Yohimbe, which is a pretty strong substance when taken in decent quantities.
However, Vitalikor did not contain any yohimbe, so I figured I had nothing to lose. I made sure that I took the fast acting version of it on a full stomach, in an effort to lessen any potential side effects.
My results from Vitalikor were actually pretty good, which confirmed my suspicions from the start. It actually started working in what felt like less than an hour, but that might have been just a placebo effect. The effects most certainly lasted for full the whole day, and I originally thought I might have trouble sleeping that night. Much to my surprise, I did not have trouble falling asleep, and actually had one of the best nights sleep ever.
The next morning I experienced a “morning wood” the likes I have never experienced before. I actually think I
got more of an erection 24 hours after taking it then a couple of hours after taking it. I actually had some of the
best orgasms and sexual stamina I had since I was a teenager. Totally unexpected these results from Vitalikor, but was pleasantly surprised at the outcome. If I had to compare it to another product, I would say the results were very similar to Arginmax, also found at GNC.
The slow acting version worked a little bit differently, and it seemed like it was meant as more of a multi-vitamin than anything else. It does contain L-Arginine, which is supposed to work well when combined with all natural aphrodisiacs. My friend tried out that version, which you can learn more about in our video review.
6. Recommendation
I think that Vitalikor could work for practically any guy looking to get his sex life back. While it may not work for everyone, the fact that I got the results I did without really expecting anything says alot about the product. When compared to many other products of it’s kind, and the side effects I have gotten from them, I truly believe this is one of the best fast acting male enhancement supplements I have ever tried. It’s important to realize that this product will not give you a permanent increase in size, and they don’t even market it that way.