Vigrx Plus vs. Sinrex
A side by side at-a-glance comparison serves as the backbone in the field of health research, herbal supplements and naturopathy. The following article is intended to compare and review two of the key male herbal enhancement pills so as to enhance your knowledge level to make a wise decision.
Vigrx Plus: Vigrx Plus is a purely herbal, organic and vegetative male enhancement pill that lacks any pharmaceutical additive or ingredients.
Sinrex: Sinrex is also an all-natural enhancement dietary supplement that comes in the form of a pill, is mainly herbal in origin and does not contain any allopathic or artificial / synthetic components.
Vigrx Plus Vs. Sinrex – Indications (Uses)
Vigrx Plus: Vigrx Plus is mainly used by men for the treatment of male impotency (erectile dysfunction / ED). However, it may also be successfully and safely used to treat other reproductive health conditions in men such as premature ejaculation and loss of libido.
Sinrex: Sinrex is mainly indicated for the treatment or therapy of erectile dysfunction in men. However, according to the official claims, it may also be used to enhance male libido and increase sperm count and semen amount.
Vigrx Plus Vs. Sinrex – Mode of action (Mechanism of action)
Vigrx Plus: Vigrx Plus acts in several ways due to the versatility of its natural ingredients. For example, it may boost blood testosterone levels (increasing libido, sperm count and semen quantity). Most importantly, it also increases blood flow to the penis which leas to its main action i.e. full engorgement of penis, correcting and preventing any risks for erectile dysfunction or impotency.
Sinrex: The main action of Sinrex comes due to its rapid and direct absorption into the blood that results in potent filling of penile blood vessels, eventually leading to longer, harder and stronger penile erections within an optimal timeframe.
Vigrx Plus Vs. Sinrex – Ingredients and composition
Vigrx Plus: Vigrx Plus contains the following ingredients i.e.
Muira Puama, Cuscuta extract, Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed), Bioperine, Korean Red Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, Hawthorne Berry, Ginkgo Biloba, Damiana extract, Tribulus Terrestris and Catuaba bark extract.
Sinrex: Sinrex contains significant concentrations of Bioperine, a key ingredient for sexual enhancement. Other key ingredients include ginseng, ginkgo biloba, Creatine, L-Arginine and Tribulus, EGCG, Lycopene and Cuscuta Seed.
Safety profile (risk of side effects)
Vigrx Plus: Vigrx Plus is considered free from health risks and complications especially if used as recommended.
Sinrex: So far, according to various user testimonials and online reviews present on various websites, no significant adverse events of undesirable side effects have been noted even after prolong use of Sinrex.
Price, affordability and economy
Vigrx Plus: On an average, Vigrx Plus can be purchased or bought in the form of the following packages:
1-month supply: $77 USD
6-month supply: $385 USD
12-month supply: $490 USD
Sinrex: The average online price for Sinrex is as follows:
One-month supply: $39.95
Three-month supply: $109.95
Six months supply: $199.95 (breaks down to just $33 a month)
Vigrx Plus Vs. Sinrex – Bonus / special discounts and offers
Vigrx Plus: Vigrx Plus offers variety of bonuses such as Penis Exercise CD, free bottle of Nexus pheromones, bottle of Semenax semen volume enhancer and $25 Better Sex Mall Card (You get $25 off for every purchase of more $100 worth). Finally, you can also get free membership of ErectionFitness Website.
Sinrex: Currently, Sinrex offers $140 savings On One Year Supply and, in addition, 4 free bonuses. In addition, if purchased as a whole system (along with male extender), the company also offers two FREE “Better Sex Guide” DVDs worth a value of $39.99 each.
Moneyback guarantee / refund policy
Vigrx Plus: Vigrx Plus comes with an average Moneyback guarantee of 2 months.
Sinrex: Unlike Vigrx Plus, Sinrex offers a far longer full Moneyback guarantee of six months in total for unused bottles. It means, you can surely “try before you buy”.
Final verdict – Clear winner
The above-mentioned salient features and comparison shows that both Sinrex and Vigrx Plus are distinct in their own benefits and profiles. Both are considered safe and effective and both are natural in nature. When it comes to price and Moneyback guarantee, however, Sinrex is clearly on the top and has a beneficial edge over Vigrx Plus. It really depends on what you are looking for most in this position, results and effectiveness or affordability and guarantee.