Viagold –Updated! (4/25/2012)

Viagold Review
Achieving longer-lasting, firmer erections will result in a more pleasurable sexual experience for men and their partner. Finding a supplement that can help enhance your pleasure is difficult because a high percentage of the products available on the market have been proven ineffective. Not all of them, however, and perhaps ViaGOLD is one of the good ones. What is ViaGOLD? It is a dietary supplement designed to allow men to achieve fuller erections and last longer in bed. Sounds good, right? But does it work? Let’s take a look.
We must first start by analyzing the claims made by the company website. If everything is as good as advertised,this supplement would be considered the greatest male enhancement product ever.Viagold also claims their product is stronger than Viagra, comes with no side effects,and will improve your sexual performance with longer-lasting erections.
The manufacturers ofViagold also state that it works within 45 minutes of dosage and gives you a rock hard erection every time. The cost is rather inexpensive compared to other male enhancement supplements such as Virectin, and a money-back guarantee is offered. Certainly would be difficult for a man struggling with sexual disorders to not be interested in a risk-free product such as ViaGOLD.
Key Ingredients in ViaGOLD
The company website mentions their product includes all-natural aphrodisiacs, but nothing specific.Without a listing of ingredients, it makes a seemingly quality product difficult to recommend. Most supplements have the ingredients listed on the product website, but the makers of ViaGOLD have opted not to do this. The fact that they don’t list the ingredients doesn’t help their cause, and may be filled with cheap ingredients. This means we must base most of our analysis on customer reviews.
Update! (4/25/2012)
We received a list of the ingredients from a verified user of Viagold. He sent us a list, here it is: Proprietary Blend 390 MG
- L-Arginine,
- Bamhyx Mari Extract
- Wild Yga Extract
- Siberie Ginserg Extract
- White WillowJuiube
- Ceyenne Extract
- Stinging Nettles Extract
He also had this to say about Viagold: “I have tried [sic] this pill once it got me super rock hard. It work on me about one hour. The pill label says to take it 30 min. before sex the label says 45 minutes.”
Bradley K., emailed review
Customer Reviews
There are many good reviews for the product that we have found online,which leads us to believe ViaGOLD might actually be a solid male enhancer. Here are a couple of them:
“As I got older, I found my sex drive declining. But after using this product I felt like a new man” – Harry (42 years old) Los Angeles, CA
“It’s not that I had a problem achieving an erection, this product just intensified my desire. I achieved a more intense orgasm.” – Greg (29 years old) San Antonio, TX
ViaGOLD Pros
-Good customer reviews
-Money back guarantee
-No known side effects
-Company claims it will help improve your sex life
-Inexpensive product
ViaGOLD Cons
-Not enough scientific evidence to prove how effective it is
-It has unknown ingredients
-Product not backed by doctor recommendations at this point
Overall Conclusion
It is disappointing to view the company website only to find out they do not list ingredients. However, this product does seem at least somewhat legit based on customer reviews. For the price you pay to purchase it, there is certainly no known reason to not give it a try if you are in need of a male enhancement supplement that will give you longer-lasting erections. Since it does come with a money-back guarantee, there are no known side effects, and we found many positive reviews – we do recommend ViaGOLD.
Overall Rating (1-10): 7
Reason For Rating: Listing of ingredients is preventing this from achieving a near perfect score.
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