Top 5 Male Enhancement Products
The line of distinction between male enhancement pills and male enhancement products” is thin and often remains unnoticed by most. For the purpose of utility and use, however, we must be able to differentiate between the two types. The simplest differences between these two categories as follows:
Male enhancement pills: Male enhancements pills strictly refer to those capsules, tablets or pills that are to be taken “orally” and are used for the purpose of male sexual enhancements.
Male enhancement products: Male enhancement “products” is rather a general term and includes a variety of generic products under its umbrella such as pills, patches, drinks, pumps and extenders. In simple words, “anything” that can be used to enhance male sexual health can be categorized as a male enhancement product.
Our top 5 male enhancement products

Vigrx Plus Review
Ranked #1: Vigrx Plus
Best Price: Save $434 on A Diamond Package
Vigrx Plus is truly a unique and well-distinguished male enhancement product that not only tops the top enhancement pills chart but has also been recommended as the number one “product” as well.
Until and unless you are actually interested in permanent enlargement, Vigrx Plus will help you address almost all of the male sexual issues such as premature ejaculation, loss of libido, anorgasmia (loss of orgasms), weaker or no penile erections and, of course, low semen quantity of sperm count.
It’s very affordable cost makes it a very suitable fit anyone’s pocket. With a strong Moneyback guarantee, purely natural ingredients and high safety profile, there is no financial or health risk involved.
Click Here To Read Our Review of Vigrx Plus

SizeGenetics Extender Review
Ranked #2: SizeGenetics Extender
Best Price: $199.95
While SizeGenetics has been ranked number two because of multiple factors, it should be your number 1 choice if you want to enlarge your penis permanently. Of course, it may not work effectively for other sexual issues such as premature ejaculation or low libido and all.
However, being a traction-based device it does all the potential for causing permanent penile enlargement, correct Peyronie’s disease, straightens abnormal penile curvature and boost erectile capacity (because of the increase in girth and length).
A doctor-endorsed and clinically backed product with no reported side effects and 6-month Moneyback guarantee, SizeGenetics can definitely be your first preference in the class of penis stretchers of extenders.
Click Here To Read Our Review of SizeGenetics

Vydox Review
Ranked #3: Vydox
Best Price: $223.99 for a 3 mnth. supply
If you are looking for an all-herbal enhancement product that primarily contains “Yohimbe” as its key ingredient, Vydox can be your best choice. A highly recommended product that is known to increase erectile capacity and correct / prevent erectile dysfunction in few days (or weeks), Vydox acts works exactly like Viagra but, of course, without any Viagra like side effects.
With 68-day Moneyback / full refund guarantee, this product is definitely worth trying. On top of that, it also addresses other core sexual issues much including decreased libido and lack of pleasure / performance during sex.
Click Here To Read Our Review of Vydox

X4 Labs Extender Review
Ranked #4: X4 Labs Extender
Best Price: $199.95
Like SizeGenetics extender, X4 Labs is also a traction-based stretching device that can permanently enlarge your penis (both in thickness and length). This permanent increase in size leads to other associated effects such as increased pleasure and performance during sexual intercourse, delayed ejaculation, greater sexual stamina and stronger and longer erections.
A genuine penis extender that is produced and marketed by a Canadian based company, X4 Labs extender is CE (clinically) certified and doctor-endorsed and has been around for over ten years now. According to user testimonials, it can grow one’s penis size up to 3 to 4 inches within a time period as short as 7 months.
Much cheaper than other top extenders in the market, X4 Labs extender comes with the longest of its kind (5 years) Moneyback guarantee.
Click Here To Read Our Review of X4 Labs

ProSolution Pills Review
Ranked #5: ProSolution Pills
Best Price: $268.95 for a 6 mth. supply
Pro Solution pills have a well-detailed and informative website that actually lists some of the credible “preclinical” studies that document the safe and successful use of the various ingredients found in all-natural Pro Solution pills.
Furthermore, their regular use can lead to prolonged and powerful penis erections, 25% greater penis size (both in thickness and length, Increased frequency of erections (You can become hard whenever you want) and enhanced libido and sexual drive in men.
Furthermore, the full impact of using these pills can be achieved in less than 2 weeks in almost all cases. In addition, Pro Solution pills have two ingredients that are rarely found in other pills. These are known as Solidilin and Drilizin and are best known to increase male sexual function to a significant extent. Pro solution pills also come with a 67-day Moneyback guarantee, reducing any financial risk for an enthusiastic user.
The only small issue that puts Pro Solution on the rank 5 (instead of higher ranks), is the fact that it is relatively expensive as compared to other frequently used enhancement products. Pro solution pills also offer free penis enlargement exercises with every order.
Click Here To Read Our Review of Pro Solution Pills