
Testrol Review
Many men have issues in the bedroom – some related to a weak libido or lack of stamina. These problems cause frustration amongst men and their partners, forcing couples to start researching supplements and solutions. That solution just might be an all-natural supplement called Testrol. It was created to improve your libido and build muscle strength, which results in improved sexual performance. When the man performs well in the bedroom, both parties are happy. However, does this stuff really work? Let’s dig
deeper to find out.
The makers of Testrol offer an affordable male enhancement supplement they claim will get your sex life back on track and increase muscle mass. Their assumption is the ingredients included in the product are the perfect combination for this.
What Exactly is Testrol?
Key Ingredients in Testrol
- Cnidium Monnier
- Damiana
- Eurycoma Longifolia
- Gingko Biloba
- L-Arginine
- Mucuna Pruriens
- Saw Palmetto
- Selenium
- Tribulus Terrestris
- Xanthoparmelia
Any male enhancement supplement with L-Arginine has at least some credibility. This amino acid increases nitric oxide levels, which is crucial to improving sexual performance. Tribulus Terrestris is a scientifically proven testosterone booster. Without those two ingredients, Testrol would have no chance at functioning as advertised. Most of the remaining ingredients have unknoweffectiveness.
Customer Reviews of Testrol
As you can see, we had to dig deep to find some product reviews on Testrol. Here is one we did locate.
“good product no side effects. Bottom line, yes I would recommend this to a friend”
Testrol Pros
- L-Arginine and Tribulus Terrestris are proven effective male enhancers
- Average price for Testrol is lower than many herbal supplements
- No prescription is necessary
- Dual-purpose dietary supplement (improves libido and muscle strength)
- No known side effects
Testrol Cons
- Some ingredients have unknown potency
- Lacks potent aphrodisiacs
- Very few product reviews from consumers found
- Money-back guarantee for unsatisfied customers
- Requires everyday usage to be effective
- Unknown if this product consistently works
Overall Conclusion
We lack enough evidence to suggest Testrol is an industry changing supplement, but it does seem worth the small investment. As you can see from the above cons, Testrol lacks some ingredients such as Epemedium (Horny Goat Weed) common in male enhancers like Mojoblast and Stiff Nights. It is also unknown if this product is better suited for a male looking to build strength or if it can effectively improve libido. Our recommendation is to try Testrol if other similar supplements have failed you. The worst case scenario is you are out the small cost of purchasing a bottle of Testrol. The best case scenario is it greatly improves your sex life.
Overall Rating (1-10): 7
Reason For Rating: If there were more evidence suggesting Testrol is a reliable male enhancer, we would give it an 8 or 9. Until then, it still receives a decent score because it is reasonably priced and comes with minimal risk.