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Stamina Rx
There are literally hundreds of male enhancement pills, creams, ointments, herbs, and extracts on the market. Stamina Rx has actually been in business for quite sometime, and you can find there product in wide variety of stores, including CVS, Rite Aid, Walgreen’s, and other major outlets.
We decided to review stamina rx after reading a couple of external sources to get the full picture of whether or not this product actually works. Throughout this report, we will talk about the ingredients, efficacy, customer reviews and testimonials, as well as give you our final conclusions to whether or not the product works. We also officially tested this product for its effectiveness and report on how it made us feel and results as well.
What is Stamina Rx
Our Results
Sex On The Beach
Where To Buy
What Is Stamina Rx
Stamina Rx has been on the shelves of major stores for a little over 8 years now, and it is manufactured by a company called Nutra Source. According to their website, this supplement works by combining ingredients such as yohimbe, xanthoparmelia scarbosa, and L-Arginine, to give the male genitalia a natural enhanced feeling.

Stamina Rx Reviews
This product is actually considered to be the “generic” version of enzyte, namely because it contains the same main ingredients, but the company claims there are several key differences. You should also be aware that there are several unauthorized dealers that sell a very similar product, but is not actually clear what those supplements are.
Stamina Rx Reviews
There are several reviews of stamina rx posted on a wide variety of websites. Results for the product seem to be mixed, but the majority of users have reported no significant gains. Some have even reported side effects such as headaches, nausea, even severe indigestion. Read some actual reviews below:
“I heard something positive so it can’t be too bad. But, I’m sorry to say it didn’t do the job I expected. It did, however, give me a headache the first time I tried it. The second time I literally could not sleep at all until the next day. I bought two bottles but will never finish the first one. Hope you have better luck.”
male, Denver, CO
“personally have tried it, and it seems to WORK (at least for me). But a lot of reviews seem to say that it works, but it’s not worth the side-effects. I use it only for ‘recreational’ purposes. Compared with vahard, i think it is much better, but there is
something missing from it that I can’t put my finger on.
I personally think it might be worth it, but the timing of using it, and for when it will actually “kick in” is hard to figure out so far.”yahoo answers poster
“It works but you can taste it in your gut but i came so good i pulled out and my cum shot in our faces from down at her gushing p$%#y no joke!!!!dizzy bad ride gut but nice boner!!”
JupiterMustangMike, YouTube poster
“When I was in college back in the early 2000’s I worked at a GNC when this product first hit the shelves. It was AMAZING! No nausea or nasty side effects whatsoever. I still consider the natural ingredients in it the best combo ever for a sex supplement and, on top of that, it was laced with Cialis. SUPER ERECTIONS! But the formula has changed over the years and the Stamina RX today makes me so nauseous I feel like I’m gonna die. I’ll never take it again. But the original was AMAZING!
To add to my last post… The women’s Stamina RX is the exact same formula as the men’s, just minus whatever pharmaceutical they now lace the mens’ version with. The formula has always been the same. I believe whatever PDE5 – Inhibitor they are lacing it with these days is what causes the horrible nausea. I’m gonna try the women’s Stamina RX and take a Cialis with it and see what happens. And, oh yeah, it’s the cnidium monnier that makes your dick thicker while it’s in your system. Great stuff!”
80KevDawg, YouTube Poster
“I’ve used it several times. My face turns red, and I get a mild headache, but BOY it’s worth it! Two hours later
I have something between my legs that a man would envy, and a woman would love. Orgasms are really intense. My wife and i need a soundproof room!”
Richard W., Youtube Poster
Stamina Rx Ingredients and Side Effects
The ingredients in stamina rx include L-arginine, xanthoparmelia scarbosa, epimedium, cnidium monnier, and yohimbe. These ingredients are some of the same that are used in many different male enhancement pills, so there seems to be real no clear advantage to using this product. It is important to note that this product contains about 8 mg of yohimbe, which is not a very high
dosage, but enough to give anyone with heart problems a wake up call.
Most of the men, including ourselves, that have used products containing yohimbe experienced a flushing feeling, like all of the blood in my body was being rushed to my face. I have actually received comments from men that said they have taken products containing yohimbe in order to get a feeling of euphoria, much like ecstasy. We do not suggest you use stamina rx for any other reason other than its intended purpose.
Dave’s Results
I actually bought a sample package of stamina rx from my local gas station, and the guy behind the counter said it is selling like hot cakes. What was weird is that it was positioned in the store right next to energy pills, so it kind of freaked me out to think that some kid could just as easily buy this product without evenrealizing what it’s used for. As a matter of fact, I was standing in line in a store once where a kid mentioned to his friend something about a package of detain x, something he thought was a energy supplement.
After taking one pill on a empty stomach, I started to feel a little quesy, but that went away after about 30 minutes. What followed was one of the most intense orgasms that I have ever experienced. The side effects were mild, but generally sex was alot more enjoyable after using this products.
I don’t really like the side effects that I got from stamina rx, but I think if you take it enough, you may become somewhat used to it. As I have stated in many of my previous reviews, I believe that the adverse reaction can be directly attributed to the yohimbe contained in the product.

Stamina Rx Review
Stamina Rx Liquid Sex On The Beach
This company also came out with a liquid product, called sex on the beach, which is supposed to work faster than
the pill form. While we have not personally tested it, based on the ingredients and other user reports, it looks like it actually might be more effective than the pill form.
Most guys reported that it had less side effects as well, and worked in half the time. Many users still felt a keen sense of dizziness and euphoria, but overall they had no significant issues with it. It comes in a 2 oz bottle, similar to that of products like “5 hour energy”, and is taken in one shot. It is of course called “sex on the beach” because its flavor is similar to the popular alcoholic drink.
According to various sources, the liquid formulation also contains the same ingredients as the pills, but is easier on the stomach. You can find it online through a wide variety of retailers, and it is also sold in stores.
Where To Buy
You can buy stamina rx practically everywhere. I have seen sample packages in both gas stations, 7-elevens, mom and pop convenience stores, and even major chains. While it is available practically everywhere, it is kind of an expensive product when compared with some of the other major brands such as prolatis 2.0 and paravol. I have seen it go for as much as $8 in stores, and thats just for 2 pills.
After running through some research online, most retailers like amazon, ebay, and others offer boxes of stamina rx for discounted prices. I would not recommend you buy this product in bulk before you have tried it out yourself, because you really don’t know what kind of effects you are going to get off of it. Some guys have a great erection quality from it, while others end up with nothing. Buy a sample pack in your local gas station first, than if you like it, swing onto ebay and get it dirt cheap.
Our Recommendation
We recommend that you try the product, but be very cautious to certain symptoms. Start with a very small dosage, maybe a half a pill, and wait about 1/2 hour to see how your body responds to the ingredients. As stated by previous reviews, stamina rx has several side effects, but vary based on the individual.
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