Slow Acting Male Enhancement
Our preferred method of all natural male enhancement is through the use of slow acting pills. These products are designed to help give you a healthier erection over time, and work best when you take them for a period of 3 – 6 months. We advocate the use of many of these longer lasting supplements, and wanted to talk a little bit about the benefits of taking these pills over fast acting ones.
Why Slow Acting Pills?
The main reason why it is better to take a slow acting male enhancement pill is the results. While fast acting pills work quickly, they often do not treat the heart of your erectile dysfunction issue. Some companies, such as Vigrx Plus, have conducted studies comparing the efficiency of their product versus faster acting ones, and the results men achieved with the slow acting pills were much better. See the Vigrx Plus clinical study here.

Slow Acting Male Enhancement Review
Another major benefit to slow acting pills is the fact that they allow you to perform when the time is right.What this means is that, with fast acting pills, you need to take it right before sex, anywhere from 30 minutes to a few hours. Then, you have to wait for it to kick in. With slow actingpills, you should be able to produce a healthy erection with just a little bit of stimulation, when you want to, without waiting for the ingredients to start working.
Fast acting pills also often have harmful simulants in them which cause the blood to flow to the penis quickly, but can often give you horrible side effects. Sometimes the side effects can be quite severe, and can even result in permanent injury or, in some cases, death. At the very least they will make you feel uncomfortable, and we can confirm this because we have tried many products that contain these stimulants.
How Do Slow Acting Pills Work?
Slow acting pills usually contain an ingredient called L-Arginine, which works as a Vasodilator. The process of vasodilation is often described as “allowing the blood vessels to expand, which allows for increased blood flow during an erection.” There are some minor side effects, such as a decrease in blood pressure, so it is imperative that you speak with a doctor before trying anything that acts as a vasodilator.
They also tend to contain ingredients such as ginseng, ginkgo biloba, tribulus terrestris, and a few others that work naturally over time.
We always recommend the use of slow acting male enhancement pills over fast acting ones for the reasons listed above. If you are looking for something to help boost your overall stamina, sexual stimulation, intensity of your orgasms, and something that is safe to take, then slow acting pills are the way to go.