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- Reliable Richard
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Is your private Johnson flying at half-mast? Are you looking for an alternative to prescription medications for erectile dysfunction? Is an all-natural herbal supplement an option that you would consider? When it comes to discussing treatment options for this issue in the public forum, most men won’t touch it. Why? It could be because there is a stigma attached to not being able to get an erection during sexual activity. I’ve spent quite a bit of time, searching online via Amazon and other online platforms, for alternatives to prescription strength medications that can effectively help deal with the embarrassing symptoms of erectile dysfunction. The Reliable Richard Supplement is one of the answers that I found.
What is Reliable Richard?
Reliable Richard is an all-natural herbal supplement for erectile dysfunction. There, I said it – and the world did not come to an end. This powerful supplement was developed in Malaysia, with the aim of providing an alternative to the standard medications for ED.
Pardon me, if I get a bit technical – it isn’t deliberate. In most instances, a guy’s sense of self and his sense of worth, is tied into whether or not he can – get it up. The minute that he can’t, he starts to feel as though he is less of a man. This kind of thinking – justified or not, has a flow on effect to other aspects of your life. Prescription medications for ED can get pretty pricey and not all of them are covered by insurance. Dietary supplements are a viable option to treat illnesses such as ED and more resources should be channeled into widespread research and development.
There is an entire family of pills from Reliable Richard:
- Extreme Richard
- Good Timez
- Strong
- Incredi-bull
- Hard Dawn
- Sexpert
These are all available as a sample (2 pills) or larger order, and their aim is to help sufferers of ED be able to perform sexually.
There are five, non-proprietary ingredients in the original Reliable Richard pills:
- Horny Goat Weed
- Ginko Biloba
- Eurycoma Logifolia
- Flos Carthami
- Herba Cistanches
There are as many as five varieties of Horny goat weed and they all share a common function – they help to increase blood flow and improve sexual function. Ginko Biloba is said to improve cardiovascular function and overall sexual energy. Eurycoma Logifolia affects the way in which the body produces testosterone in the male body. It also helps to treat infertility in men as well as boosts athletic performance. Flos Carthami helps to enhance blood circulation which aids the effects of the Horny Goat Weed. Herba Cistanches simply helps to increase and improve fertility.
My Results
I bought a same pack of the Reliable Richard extreme, and I have to say I’m impressed.
I tend to be overly-sensitive to fast-acting sexual enhancers like this, so I proceeded with caution and just took 1 pill.
Within about 30 minutes I could feel a strange sensation wash over me.
Almost like a tingly feeling, but not in a bad way.
Later that day I decided to take it for a test run, and what followed was one of the most explosive orgasms I’ve had in a long time.
While it didn’t seem to last the advertised 4 days, I could definitely feel it working for the first day and a half.
The only side effect I noted was a headache, which seemed to go away about an hour or so after I took it.
Frequently Asked Questions
At this stage, you might have a few questions – who wouldn’t. the first thing that I want to emphasize is that you should not begin to take any kind of supplement without first talking to your doctor. If you are prone to high or low blood pressure – then you definitely want to have that chat with your doctor. You also want to be sure and follow any type of specialized directions that your doctor may give. There is no guarantee that this supplement will not interact with any other type of medication that you might be taking. I know it’s a lot of information that I am throwing at you, but its better you get the advice and take the necessary steps to be safe and yet still have the opportunity to enjoy yourself. In the upcoming sections, I am going to do my best to answer some of the most common questions that I have been asked about these types of supplements. It is my intention to provide as much information and clarification on the use and effects of this powerful supplement.
How do I take it?
This product was intended to be taken as a dietary supplement. What that means is that it was to be taken in addition to a healthy diet. Ideally, you should not eat for up to 2-hours before and after. This allows the supplement to have an overall stronger effect on your sex drive.
How long does it take to start working?
Reliable Richard can take anywhere from 45 minutes up to 2-hours to begin taking effect. Make no mistake, it is effective from its first use and once you take it as directed, you should have no problem getting things started – in the bedroom or anywhere else you choose to!
How long is it supposed to last?
The effects of Reliable Richard can last up to a whopping 4 days. That means as many erections as your heart desires – and can handle.
Are there any side effects?
So far this is sounding too good to be true and you just might be wondering – what the side effects are? The answer to that particular question just might surprise you. Other than a slight headache after it has begun to take effect, this all-natural dietary supplement works as advertised.
Is it FDA approved?
Now some of you might be wondering if this miracle cure/treatment, is approved by the FDA. It isn’t. That doesn’t mean that the product doesn’t work, and lack of FDA approval does not detract from its effectiveness or the results that it produces.
Where can I buy it?
Reliable Richard can be bought online – via the brand’s website (www.reliablerichard.com) or via Amazon.com. Regardless of where this supplement is bought, you are assured of the desired results for a full refund.
So, let’s do a quick recap. Reliable Richard is a dietary supplement that can help deal with the effects/symptoms of ED. It can be taken within 2-hours of a meal, begins to act in as little as 45-minutes and the effects can last for up to 4 days. I have actually used these pills and the majority of them work just as claimed and produce the results that they are claiming.
I plan on ordering a few of their other products in the future, and will post reviews of them once I’ve completed testing.
Remember to have a serious conversation with your doctor or healthcare provider before you start taking any type of medicine. Most importantly of all – have a good time!