Premjact Overview
Dave’s Rating: 
Erectile dysfunction gets most of the attention as far as sexual performance problems go, but the number two issue deserves a little focus now and then. I’m talking about premature ejaculation, and I think the reason it takes a back seat is because people generally prefer not to talk about it. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. In fact, it happens to almost everyone at least every once in a
One solution is a delay spray called Premjact. It lessens the sensitivity of your penis so
you can last longer, increasing the pleasure for everyone involved. We’re going to take a closer look into this product, and figure out whether or not it’s worth your time and money.
Premjact Ingredients and How They Work
The primary ingredient in Premjact is called Lidocaine. It’s a mild local anesthetic often used by dentists to numb an area before giving it a shot of Novocaine. It provides a light numbing sensation, lessening the sensitivity of the penis
so you feel less. When you feel less, you can last longer and
maintain more control over when you ejaculate.
Premjact comes in a spray form. About 5 to 15 minutes before sexual activity, you spray it on
the head and shaft of your penis. You can expect to use about 3 to 8 sprays. Premjact can be used with a condom and for oral sex. Just make sure you wait a while for the oral sex and use the minimum number of sprays required, so your partner’s mouth doesn’t get numb.
Premjact Pros and Cons
Looking at both sides of the issue is important when determining whether or not to buy and use a product.
Advantages of Premjact
- It’s convenient.
- It works to desensitize your penis.
- It is compatible with condoms.
Disadvantages of Premjact
- It may numb more than you want it to, like your hands and your partners mouth or genitals.
- It may cause a rash if you’re allergic.
Where to Buy
Premjact is available online through lots of different retailers. The price tends to be about $10.
There are lots of delay creams to help solve the problem of premature ejaculation. Delay sprays like Premjact are a little less commonly found. The biggest benefit of using Premjact over other products is
that it’s super convenient. I would recommend it for any guy who’s had experience with premature ejaculation.
Check Out Our Top Premature Ejaculation Remedies
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