NitroPumpXL Review
NitroPumpXL is the latest in a series of free trial male enhancement products being sold across the internet, and this supposed revolutionary formula promises some pretty impressive results. Despite being relatively new to the market, this product boasts that they will help to increase blood flow, improve libido dramatically, gain stamina, and increase power and masculinity.
They say the product is advertised on CNN.com, MSNBC, USA Today, and MSN, but we could not find any of those advertisements anywhere online. A popular combination that has been widely advertised on adult sites recently is using NitroPumpXL with MagnumPlus for unrealistic results. Learn more about this specific supplement in our shocking review.
What is NitroPumpXL?
Similar in both design, labeling, and pricing, NitroPumpXL is an all natural male enhancement supplement designed to increase the size of your penis. The official site does not provide much information on the product, which does not help us to rate it, but they do mention that it uses a couple of key ingredients in their formulation.
The principle ingredient behind NitroPumpXL is called L-Arginine, which is actually secreted by the human body. It is what is responsible for the production of Testosterone, and also allows the cell walls that surround the smooth muscle tissue in the penis to relax, which cause them to expand. This expansion causes a firm increase in the amount of blood pumped into the corporosa cavernosa during an erection, which in theory is supposed to help you gain size.
Whether or not L-Arginine can really work to increase substantial size is still up for debate in modern medical circles. Any evidence that it works this way has not been corroborated by any clinical studies concerning its use in male enhancement.
Similarities Between NitroPumpXL and NitroBlastX
There was another combination that was recently being touted across the internet as being able to increase your penis size by as much as 2 inches in a month not too long ago. This combination was NitroBlastX and MojoMagnum, two individual supplements sold as a so called “miracle combo” that porn stars used to gain massive size.
As you can see in the image below, here is a screenshot of the NitroBlastX Free Trial:
And then here is a screenshot of
As you can see, the similarities between these two products are striking. They use practically the same image of a man and woman, use the same bullet points (increase blood flow, improve libido, etc.), and both have a free trial offer.
The Problem With NitroPumpXL’s Free Trial
We have no problem with a company trying to market their supplement to the masses, and one would think that they are indeed getting a free sample. The problem with this type of marketing is that it is more or less a trick.
When you sign up to receive your “free bottle” of NitroPumpXL, you are redirected to a credit card sign up page. On this page, you are to put in your credit card information to pay a small price for shipping (usually around $5). Then, if you look at the bottom of the page, in really fine print are the terms and conditions.

NitroPumpXL Review
In no uncertain terms do they say that you must cancel your trial of NitroPumpXL within 14 days from the date you order it, otherwise they will bill you $84.95 at the end of the trial period, and then another $84.95 every month until you cancel. That’s right gentlemen, I just saved your butt!
So, let’s just say for example sake that you order today (3/27/2012), and the product is shipped out on Friday. Assuming a 3 day delivery, with no mail delivered on Sunday, you won’t actually receive your product until Tuesday of the following week. So that means that 6 days have passed, leaving you with 8 days to really try the product out.
Do you really think 8 days is enough time to determine whether or not NitroPumpXL can work for you? Probably not, and I should mention that if you do remember to cancel in the allotted time, you still need to mail the opened package back to them in order to avoid being charged. Learn more about how to protect yourself from free trial scams such as this one.
NitroPumpXL Reviews
We have not found any official reviews of NitroPumpXL either on their official website or on third party sites. This supplement is not sold in any stores that we know of, and Amazon and Ebay do not list the product as well. If you have used NitroPumpXL, we invite you to send us your review so you can let our community know how well it works or not.
The problem we have with NitroPumpXL is the fact that there are no real reviews posted about it, no full list of ingredients, no testimonials on their official site, no way to buy it in stores, and their free trial program is EXTREMELY DECEIVING. Couple that with the fact that it is remarkably similar to another product that scammed countless guys out of their hard earned money, and you will start to see the bigger picture here. Do yourself a favor and save your money for something that really works.