There has been an abundance of male enhancement pills to hit the market in recent years, and the demand has not dried up. Male impotence is a serious problem affecting millions of American men, and there has been no shortage of supplements that have dominated the market. Nasutra was one such pill, which was recalled in 2006 for a variety of reasons. We decided to take an in-depth look at this product and see what went wrong, in an effort to help you choose the right one. Our review has been collected by research we found on various websites.
So What is Nasutra?
This supplement was an all natural male enhancement supplement which was developed in 2003 by Nasutra LLC. They were marketed to help men gain size and stamina in their sexual activity. The main ingredients included Cynomorium, ginseng, and Cassia. After several studies were published, it was found by the FDA that certain ingredients in Nasutra Pills were deemed unsafe to take. Most notably, they lowered blood pressure to dangerous levels, which prompted a recall by these and other manufacturers. This was mainly because it was developed similar to the way another product, Silagra 100, was formulated.
As a result of the recall, Nasutra pulled their product off of the market and began selling a cheap alternative, called sutramax. This new product contains grape seed extract, ginseng, pomegranate, rhodiola rhosea extract, and others. Many of these ingredients are much safer to take, but reportedly don’t do much.
Reviews of Nasutra
“Nasutra actually does work, but its way too good to be an herbal product. I have nothing against natural or herbal remedy… but this is just too good. Not only do you get an erection like you’re 17 again, but i actually had a distorted vision after taking! Exactly like the effects of Viagra.”
Review Take from external site, 2006
How come it doesn’t work?
Despite its unsafe side effects, Nasutra was found by many customers to actually work. Many testimonials reported that they had seen a really big growth in their sexual desire, as well as small gains in their penis size. Since the recall, they had changed the active ingredients in their pills and changed their name to Sutramax, and you can still find them on the internet through various sources. We could only find a couple of positive reviews however, and it seems that Sutramax is nothing like what Nasutra used to be.
Take a look at our comparison of the best male enhancement pills on the market