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Male Enhancement Options For Men With Diabetes
I get alot of men who have diabetes asking me whether or not I can recommend a male enhancement pill or product that can help them. As you probable are already aware of, as many as 50% of men who have diabetes will experience some form of ED throughout their lives, and this can be affecting every facet of their life.
Up until recently, I really wasn’t informed about how diabetes actually affects male libido, and decided to do some research.
Since diabetes can damage the nerves and blood vessels that control erection, men with diabetes tend to suffer from erectile dysfunction long before most other men suffer the same fate.
Unfortunately to date, there are no known medications that specifically treat men with diabetes who are suffering from erectile dysfunction.
So What Products Work Best?
In general, prescription medications work the best at helping to treat ED symptoms. But because of the nature of how these meds work, as well as possible side effects from them including heart and cardiovascular complications, it is typically not a good idea to take prescription drug. Instead, you should look into the use of non-stimulant over the counter supplements to help alleviate your problems.
Male Enhancement Pills That Can Help
Vigrx Plus
Personally, I have used Vigrx Plus with great success in the past, and feel that it would a be a great choice for most men suffering from diabetes.
It does not contain any harmful stimulants, and unlike many of the fast acting supplements on the market, gives you the best results over a prolonged period of time.
This limits the possibility of side effects, and can give you significant increases in the quality of your erections, as well as an increase in sexual stamina.
Click Here to read my review of Vigrx Plus.
Another very popular male enhancement pill for men with diabetes is called Vimax. Vimax pills use ingredients such as ginseng, cayenne pepper, and gingko biloba to promote strong sexual health and wellness, also with the reduced risk for side effects.
It is actually one of the most popular products on the market, and has helped millions of men worldwide with their erectile dysfunction problems.
Extenze Fast Acting
The last pill I would recommend is called Extenze. Unlike Vigrx Plus or Vimax, it’s designed to be take on an “as-needed” basis, which basically means you take it when you need it.
Extenze contains a very powerful combination of L-Arginine, which causes vasodilation of the penile blood chambers, and Yohimbe which is a very powerful Aphrodisiac.
It also contains other natural sexual boosting ingredients, including Horny Goat Weed, Tribulus Terrestris, and Korean Ginseng.
Extenze is designed to be take about 30 – 45 min. prior to sex, and works GREAT at producing rock hard erections.
Click Here to read my review.
Vacuum Therapy Devices
You may also be interested in using a vacuum therapy device, such as the Hydromax X30.
Unlike vacuum pumps that use air and often come with complications, Hydromax X30 uses a water based pump system that helps to draw blood into the penis to help with sustained erections.
It is generally used for 5 – 10 minutes per day in the shower or bathtub, and can be a great alternative to pills should you choose not to use them.
Another vacuum system is called the Penomet, which is a cheaper alternative to the Hydromax X30 pump.
It uses the same basic principles, but ships quicker, costs less, and seems to produce the same desired results.
There are plenty of all natural male enhancement products on the market that can help men with diabetes, but it is best to do your research and consult with a urologist for the best option for you.
Since the causes are quite complex for every individual, there is certainly no definitive answer for every man out there. If you have any specific questions, you can always contact us and we’ll try to help you out as best as we can.