A very popular method of male enhancement that has emerged in the past few years is the introduction of penis enlargement patches, or transdermal delivery devices. Made popular by products in the stop smoking industry, these patches can be worn under the shirt and for hours on end without anyone even noticing they are there. But do they actually work as well as say pills and creams? We decided to explore various third party sites to get an idea of what other men were saying about “the patch” and whether or not they are effective. Our review will attempt to encompass not only the scientific explanation of how they work, but will provide stories from regular guys like yourself looking to experiment with this method.
What Exactly is a Male Enhancement Patch?
Similar to stop smoking and estrogen release patches, these devices are placed on the lower part of the abdomen, and are typically worn for a period of 72 hours (3 days). They are supposed to help increase sexual arousal and pleasure by using a combination ingredients you will often find in pill form.
Check Out The Pro Enhance Patch, One of The Only Ones I Think ACTUALLY WORKS
As with most over the counter products, many of these patches are available online and often come with a 30 day supply. Some men have noted mild side effects, such as local area allergic reactions, skin irritation, and dryness. One major benefit to using the patch over a pill is that a pill needs to pass through the digestive system and liver before full effects are noticed. During this process many of the nutrients, vitamins, and extracts are lost in digestion, and you are left with minor effects.
A male enhancement patch is different because it absorbs subcutaneously through the skin, and does not go through the digestive tract, making it more potent and longer lasting.
User Reviews
The results are mixed when it comes to this form of delivery, as many men prefer a once a day supplement rather than wearing a patch. Most of the testimonials we came across spoke of skin irritation and an uncomfortable feeling from wearing the patch. These minor side effects were generally lessened over time due to simply getting used to wearing them. Here are some reviews we found from various customers:
“I used to take magna rx plus as a daily dietary supplement, but was getting sick of having to keep track of taking the pills everyday. Not only that, but I would get some minor discomfort from the pills, more specifically nausea and headaches. I decided to try the pro enhance patch, and it works great. I basically get the same euphoric feeling, minus any of the side effects. The one thing I will say is that I would have a huge red spot once I took the patch off, and it kind of left me with an itching feeling.”
Todd, Boston
“I was looking around for the best male enhancement patch on the internet and finally decided on a product called pro enhance. It worked just as good as some of the pills that i used, and I often was left with a great erection and stamina. I would definitely recommend if you are looking for something to take, you should try out this system.”
Yuri, NJ
Our Video Review of Pro Enhance
Overall Summary
Most men seem to prefer taking pills, but patches seem to be a viable alternative to some of the other methods out there. The nice thing about patches is the chance for nasty side effects is pretty low, and they can be worn with relative obscurity. We finally got a chance to test out the Pro Enhance Patch, which is manufactured here in the US. This patch is one of the only ones I have tested that actually works fairly well, and produced no side effects. If you have any questions about how these products work, feel free to leave them below.