LeechFX Overview
Penis enlargement is a tricky business. Pretty much unless you’re talking about a surgical solution, you’re not really dealing with penis enlargement so much as erection enlargement. The size of your penis essentially is what it is. What you can improve is the size, strength, and length of your erection, and that’s what most products that advertise penis enlargement are really offering.
With that said, LeechFX is a sexual massage oil that claims to support penis enlargement achieved through exercise and to improve erections when used during/before sexual encounters.
Made in Malaysia LeechFX is said to improve erections as well as help make your manual penis enlargement exercises, like jelqing, more effective. It also helps you last longer so no more do you have to worry about the ever-embarrassing premature ejaculation.
LeechFX Ingredients

LeechFX Review
As the name would suggest, the primary key ingredient in LeechFX is leeches. Leech extract actually. It’s called Hirudo Medicinalis, and it’s excreted from leeches and blended with herbal aphrodisiacs and sexual performance enhancing components. The list includes:
- Ginger
- Lavender
- Coconut and Palm Oils
- Black Pepper
- Ubi Jaga
How LeechFX Works
The Hirudo Medicinalis in this oil-based massage aid works in a couple of ways. First of all, it’s a vasodilator which encourages more blood to flow into the penis during arousal or enlargement exercises. Secondly, it provides a mile anesthetic action, so it delays ejaculation until you decide you’re ready.
For use with sexual encounters, massage LeechFX into your penis along the shaft and head shortly before or during sexual contact. For jelqing, apply it in conjunction with your exercise.
LeechFX Benefits
- It can enhance erections and fight against premature ejaculation.
LeechFX Drawbacks
Whether or not LeechFX can be used with condoms is unknown.
Putting leech extract on your penis is a little, shall we say, off-putting.
None of the ingredients are clinically shown to help sexual functioning.
Where to Buy
You can purchase LeechFX through the product website. A small bottle sells for $10. If you buy multiple bottles, you’ll get a discount in the form of Buy X bottles and get Y bottles free deals.
The idea of putting leeches on your penis is definitely strange. I know that’s not technically what LeechFX is, but still. Given the oddness and the fact that there are no clinical tests or customer reviews telling us this stuff works, I’d recommend you just don’t bother with LeechFX.