L-Arginine and Male Enhancement – How Does It Work?
When you read most of our reviews,your probably wondering why so many products contain an ingredient called L-Arginine. Of the 80 or so male enhancement products that we have official tested,L-Arginine is by far one of the most popular substances found in these products. The substance is not only popular in male enhancent therapy, but can also be found in several different pre workout formulas as well. But what exactly is this stuff, and how does it work? We set out to learn everything there is about this substance,and try to explain to you in non-technical/scientific terms how exactly it works to give you increased size.
What is L-Arginine?

L-Arginine Review
Found in several of the foods we eat everyday, L-Arginine is an amino acid which has several very interesting uses. Their are several unconfirmed benefits of L-Arginine, and proponents of the substance will tell you anything and everything to get you to buy it. However, there have been several studies concerning the use of L-Arginine for a number of conditions, including erectile dysfunction. L-Arginine is most commonly found in:
- Fish
- Milk (Dairy Products)
- Beef
- Pork
- Chicken
- Seafood
You can also find L-Arginine supplements in a wide range of health food store chains, including GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, even local grocery stores carry it. The prices for these supplements often range from the very cheap($14 at Walmart) to the insanely expensive ($94 on Sears.com), but the basic formula is pretty much the same.
They are usually available in a variety of forms, including powder substances that you can mix with drinks, gel caps, tablets, and capsules, and even in liquid form. There is generally no taste associated with this substance.
So How Does L-Arginine Work For Male Enhancement?
Officially, there are several studies pertaining to the use of L-Arginine to help reduce symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction. But unlike most pharmaceutical drugs,their has not been any conclusive studies that have proven beyond a reasonable doubt that it will work for everyone. It is also not an approved therapy by the FDA, although several other regulatory agencies in Europe have approved it’s use.
While L-Arginine can produce effects similar to many alternative ED supplements, it is best used when in combination with all natural aphrodisiacs such as Yohimbe or Epimedium. In fact, there have been clinical studies that have proven that the use of certain quantities of L-Arginine (around 2,000 mg),with yohimbe can work just as well as normal erectile dysnfunction prescription medications.

L-Arginine and Male Enhancement Review
But the real benefit behind the use of L-Arginine for male enhancement is a process called Vasodilation. As demonstrated in the diagram below, vasodilation occurs when Nitric Oxide is produced in the body, allowing for the blood vessels to dilate. During this process, the smooth muscle that surrounds the blood vessels are relaxed, which causes the dilation. This results in increased blood flow, which is obviously beneficial for an erection.
Does L-Arginine Work For Everyone?
Personally, every supplement that i have taken that contains L-Arginine has acted differently. Some have give me an increase in energy and enhanced libido, such as Nitrocut, and others like NitroPumpXL, have done absolutely nothing. From my experience, I don’t think simply taking just L-Arginine can do much for male enhancement, but it is so much more effective when you are using it in combination with natural aphrodisiacs.
I also read through several doctors who were quoted on other sites saying that they don’t see L-Arginine being a effective therapy to treat erectile dysfunction. But let’s face it, most doctors have an agenda and incentive to push pharmaceutical drugs on their patients, so of course they are going to say that.
If you are looking to gain size, you should also know that l-arginine will NOT give you a permanent increase in size. I suggest that if you are going to buy a product that contains L-Arginine, you do so from a reputable company that uses a quality version of the substance.
L Arginine and fast acting male enhancment supplements are very uncommon, and happen to less that 2% of all men that we have talked to. That being said, it is always prudent that you speak with your doctor concerning the use of these substances.