Herberex Review
Herberex Review
We have seen alot of products like Herberex come and go over the years, and wanted to learn more about this one to see if it is going to succeed in a very saturated mens health market. Herberex, which we recently stumbled upon almost by accident, promises to help men who are looking for a suitable alternative to the many pharmaceutical drugs that are constantly pushed into our laps. Intended only for men, but may have some potential for women (based on their ingredient list), this product may be just what you have been looking for.
What is Herberex?
Herberex is an all natural formula designed to help support men who suffer from the dibilitating, but very common ailment known as erectile dysfunction. Released to the market in June of 2012, this supplement is also intended to help men who suffer from low libido issues and a lack of sexual stamina, by introducing a careful blend of ingredients.
It is manufactured and distributed by the same company that brought you Goliath Labs and Collosal Labs, who distributes a wide variety of other products, including Ejaculoid.
Herberex does not contain any harmful stimulants such as yohimbe or caffeine, and is made up of a completely all natural formula. The ingredients include: tongkat ali, cordyceps sinensis, panax ginseng, and epimedium. The two key ingredients, ginseng and epimedium, are found in dozens of formulations and are key aphrodisiacs that have been used for hundreds of years in chinese medicine.
Most fast acting pills that we have used generally take about 1 – 2 hours to start working, but the manufacturer of Herberex recommends you take it about 4 – 6 hours prior to sexual activity to gain the full benefits. Based on their recommended dosage letter, they state that you should initially start off with 2 capsules, and add one capsule if you do not see any results. You should also not exceed 4 capsules in any given 24 hour period.
The point I think they are trying to get across is that it takes a little while for Herberex to kick in, but once it does, it will probably last for a long time. While there is no way to tell how long, most guys could probably expect to see results over a period of 12 – 48 hours, with results obviously diminishing over time.
Where To Buy Herberex
Since this formula has just been introduced to the market,the only place we could find Herberex for sale is on their official website herberex.com. They currently have a sample package available, costing $8.99 for a quantity of 2 capsules, with shipping costing around $3.99. We have ordered this sample package and will be updating this review once we have tried it out.
Generally speaking the more you order the more you save, with an order of 20 capsules costing around $67, plus the cost of shipping. They have a link to their return policy on their official site, but there is no content on the page once you get to it. It is also unclear as to whether or not Herberex is avaible in Canada or other countries as of this review.
Herberex Pro’s
- Company located in the US
- Dr. Endorsed and recommended
- Positive Reviews from various customers
- All natural formula, very little chance for side effects
- Sample size available
- Very useful and descriptive website
Herberex Con’s
- Very expensive for a fast acting supplement
- Unsure of refund policy
- Very new to the market
- UnTested by us
- Not sold in stores or anywhere else online
It is hard for me to recommend Herberex upfront just by looking at a website. Once I receive the sample I will be able to make some general conclusions as to how well it can work for you. In the meantime, I think that Herberex does show some potential and it looks like the company is out to prove that their product can compete with the best of them. I like the fact that they have a licensed physician from New York available to answer any questions (from customers), which can help alleviate many guys concerns.That being said it,with a price tag so high, Herberex better live up to its claims and then some if it hopes to last in the male enhancement market.
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