Enzyte Review
Enzyte has quickly become one of the fastest growing companies involved in the male enhancement industry. With their smiling bob commercials, innovative advertising,lucrative endorsement dealswith NFL coaches and NASCAR drivers, it has quickyl positioned itself as a leading product in its category.
But does it really work? We decided to order Enyzte for ourselves after learning about it on a wide variety of sites, and are publishing our exclusive review here. We poured through countless reviews from other consumers, studied the ingredients, and analyzed exactly how this supplement works.
What is Enzyte
User Reviews
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Our Results
Where To Buy
What is Enzyte?
You would have to be living under a rock, or on a different planet, to not know what Enzyte is; But for those that are, it is an all natural male enhancement product taken once a day for improved sexual response. This is basically a fancy term for “It will help you get hard in bed”. This all natural male enhancement supplement was invented by a man named Steve Warshak, who was subsequently jailed for deceptive advertising and billing practices. The company that Warshak founded was later purchased by a Cincinatti real estate developer, and the company was renamed to Vianda LLC, but they still sell the product under the Enzyte brand name.
This supplement is taken once a day to promote healthy, all natural increases in orgasms and sex. According to the label, you are supposed to take 1 tablet a day, and the best results are often seen after about 3 months of usage. As with any male enhancement supplement, you should speak with a doctor prior to using the pill.
Ingredients in Enzyte
Enzyte is made up of a number of herbal extracts and ingredients that are currently used in a number of other products such as ME 36 and Erectzan. The full ingredient list includes: Niacin, Zinc, Copper, Korean Ginseng, Gingko Biloba, pine bark extract, Tribulus Terrestris, L-Arginine, Avena Sativa, Horny Goat Weed, Maca Root, Muira Puama, Octacosanol, Saw Palmetto, and Swedish Flower. Their are a number of other fillers added to the product for color, texture, and preservation.
The key ingredient, Niacin, acts as a stimulant before, during, and after sex, and is used in many other products such as climinax. L-Arginine is another ingredient that has become very popular in male enhancement pills, namely because it is the chief precursor to the production of Nitric Oxide. Nitric Oxide, or NO, is the chemical process that creates testosterone, and is responsible for assisting the reproductive organs.
User Reviews of Enzyte
The overwhelming amount of reviews of Enzyte on the Internet made it very easy for us to learn more about the results guys were getting from this product. In general, most men expected to see a gain in size, but very few actually realized any gains. The reviews we found on Amazon and Buzzilions were very negative, although many consumers agreed that the product did give them increased performance during sex.
“I bought this thing because I thought I was going to gain “massive” size from it. All I got from it was a small erection, and it made me last longer than I normally did. On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 5, mainly because my expectation was to get bigger, not just take a sex pilll.”John, California
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