There are hundreds, if not thousands, of male enhancement products that make every claim in the book. These claims include increased orgasms, more stamina, better erections, and increased confidence. It’s rare to see a product, much less a cream, claim that it will enlarge your penis, but Enlargo says just that. In fact, it’s one of the only creams I have ever seen that has made this wild claim. They stop just short of saying that it will give you permanent gains, but not before exclaiming to the world that when compared to pills their product is far superior. Let’s see if Enlargo truly lives up to it’s claims.
What is Enlargo?
Enlargo is a male development cream which purportedly works by applying a small amount to the penis everyday, causing it to grow. The theory goes that if you place the ingredients right at the source of the problem (your small penis size), then you will have a better targeted delivery and absorption, and reduced the potential for side effects.
Enlargo fits that bill of many other male enhancement creams which make the very same claims, including Vialafil gel. The official website actually has a breakdown of what you can expect over a period of 3 + months of using their product, including changes in both flaccid and erect states of the penis.
The few reviews of Enlargo that we came across did state that they felt a small change in their size and even “hung” a little bit more than usual. But there was no consistent evidence that there was any major increase in size.
Ingredients and Potential Dangers of Enlargo
They also mention that Enlargo is free of side effects, most specifically because it is an all-natural product. But, just because it is all natural does not mean that it is 100% side effect free, and some people have skin and allergic reactions to many types of chemicals found in all sorts of creams.
So if it really is side effect free, than we should be able to tell that by looking at the ingredients, right? Well, the ingredient list in Enlargo is actually surprisingly short, and contains Aqua, Sebase, Glycerin, and a chemical called Methyl Salicylate. What’s interesting to note is that Methyl Salicylate, in it’s purest form, is highly toxic, and has been known to cause deaths in certain cases (see references)
Where To Buy Enlargo
I must say, this stuff is really cheap when compared to the dozen or so other creams out there. You can find it on Ebay for about $6 for a 50 ml bottle. Now, it this saying that the product works very well? Probably not, but you are not exactly breaking the bank by trying it out. You can also get it on the official site for 7 British pounds, which at the time of this review works out to about $11.05, for a one month supply.
The fact that it contains an ingredient that has been directly attributed to causing a death in another human being doesn’t give us much of a vote of confidence about Enlargo. That being said, I think that if you didn’t overuse the cream (similar to the way that woman did), than you shouldn’t really have a problem. Also, because it is so cheap, you really don’t have much to lose monetarily, and it actually might make for a good cream to use when performing PE exercises.
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1.) Methyl Salicylate Safety and Toxicity, Wiki Article
2.) Teen Runner Dies After Muscle Cream Overdose, MSNBC article, 6/9/2007