Reviews and Testimonials from Satisfied Customers
Take a look at some of the user reviews and feedback we receive from customers every month about their success using male enhancement pills. If you have tried out VigRX Plus, Vimax, or Pro Solution, you can email us your review and we will post it anonymously if you wish.

VigRx Plus Review
Reviews From Men Who Have Used
VigRx Plus
“I am 46 and in just three weeks usage my libido has been restored and my sex drive is at an all time high… I feel 21 again! My girlfriend is absolutely pleased with the increase in girth when erect and my ability to last longer and have back to back, intense sex. My girlfriend is now experiencing more intense and multiple orgasms… our overall relationship has improved by leaps and bounds! VigRX Plus went above and beyond its promises. I only wish I had not wasted so much cash on the type of product that turned out to be just hype. Oh, and my flaccid length is increasing with each new day… I hang rather than point now!”
G. Grove, Michigan
“After 3 ½ weeks my penis is longer, fuller and thicker and the frequency of erections and stamina are both increased. I have more powerful and intense orgasms.”
R. Guillen, Illinois
“I have been using VigRX Plus for one month and so far I have experienced 1/2 inch gain in length and a huge gain in girth. I cannot wait for months two and three!”
F. Buckley, Massachusetts
“I have been taking VigRX Plus for 3 months now. I am very satisfied with the results so far. My erections are firmer, stronger and my ejaculation is powerful to say the least! My sexual appetite has increased tremendously. Also my sexual responsiveness is impressive… all I have to do is think about having sex with my wife and I ‘man reaction’… also know as an erection!”
J. Pereira, Connecticut

ProSolution Pills Review
Reviews From Men Who Have Used
ProSolution Pills
“I just finished my first 1 month supply of extra strength prosolution pills. I was 6” to begin with but wanted to be bigger. I kept the pills a secret from my girlfriend to see if she would notice on her own and she has. I’m up to 6 1/2 now. I plan on continuing the use of prosolution pills.”
Z. Lindberg, California
“Customer service were both polite and efficient in helping me with multiple questions. So far I have had good progress and my money was well spent.”
B. Johnson, Alabama
“It has only been two weeks and there has been an improvement in the flaccid state. It is hanging longer and fuller. I’m looking forward to see what a few more weeks bring!”
J. Overy, Texas
“After a few days of taking the pills, I noticed more thickness of the penis base of my shaft area. I also felt more increase of semen than usual, and more testosterone than the normal level”
J. Gillogy, New York
“My penis has lengthen 1/2 inch within 3 weeks and has grown bigger. My fiance loves the change in me”
L. Farhan, Indiana

Vimax Pills Review
Reviews From Men Who Have Used
Vimax Pills
“My sex life was really becoming a routine. I was pretty OK with getting it hard. I lasted long enough but I couldn’t do it that emotionally tense like I used to when I studied in college. Since then my sexual feelings got gradually dull and every night was just like the previous one. Thanks to Vimax Pills that helped me experience greater sexual pleasure, intensified orgasms and get my honey to the peak of the sexual sensations.”
M. Seaward, Kentucky
“My problem used to be losing an erection in the middle of a sex act. You can understand how embarrassed I used to get every time, followed by stupid excuses from me of how I had problems at work, or any other BS. My doctor advised me to take prescription drugs and it did help me, but the cost was outrageous. I spent over $500 the last 4 months on prescriptions written by my doctor and deeply regret that I haven’t found site before. After taking your pills I have seen an increase in my penis length and now I am able to keep my erection throughout the whole sexual act.”
J. Grant, Nevada