Elexia Overview
Elexia is a male enhancement supplement made and distributed by the Wellgenix/Heaven Sent Company. This is a company that makes several different kinds and categories of nutritional supplements, so that lends a certain degree of credibility to all their products.
The promise of Elexia is that it will support the male sexual experience in a number of ways. It increases libido, it supports strong and firm erections, and it improves energy and stamina. It’s a daily supplement, and when takenregularly, it should keep the wheels of your reproductive system well greased, so it performs at peak levels when called upon.
How Elexia Works
It appears as though the primary focus of Elexia is combating erectile dysfunction by increasing the amount of blood that flows to the penis during arousal. This is the tried and true method used by most herbal male formulas. Elexia in particular has several ingredients that work toward that end.
It is recommended that you take one capsule daily, with an additional 1 or 2 as a boost shortly before sexual activity.
Elexia Ingredients
Included in the list of components are:
- Yohimbe Bark which is probably the most effective herbal erectile dysfunction fighter we have today. The trouble is that it’s also the most risky. The FDA has recommended against its use (especially daily use) because of its potential to cause serious and dangerous side effects such as seizures and sudden drops in blood pressure.
- L-Argnine which is an amino acid that also increases blood flow to the penis, but does so safely.
- Epimedium which is an even milder way to also increase the amount of blood flowing to your erection.
- Tribulus Terrestris which sets in motion the process of increased testosterone production in the body.
- Zinc which is instrumental in that testosterone production process.
- Oat Straw which frees up testosterone already in the body, but bound and incapable of being used.
- St John’s Wort which elevates your mood.
Benefits of Elexia
- It’s made by a reputable company.
- It contains lots of herbal remedies for erectile dysfunction.
- While there’s no money back guarantee, you can choose a replacement product if you are not satisfied.
Drawbacks of Elexia
- They warn against using Elexia if you take anti-depressants.
- It may increase your skin’s sensitivity to light. (Wear sunscreen).
- It contains Yohimbe which can be potentially harmful.
Where to Buy Elexia
You can purchase Elexia through the Heaven Sent Naturals website or several other online supplement retailers. At the official website, a bottle costs $39.95. Elsewhere, you’ll find it for much less.
Judging by the formula, you’ll probably get a real improvement in your erections if you use Elexia. On the other hand, with the Yohimbe and the other health warnings, I’d recommend you pass on it in favor of something that works and is also safe.