Note: We have no affiliation with Xanogen
It’s no secret that men of all ages suffer from some sort of erectile dysfunction at some point in there life. If you’re like most men, you have probably tried a few male enhancement products, with some moderate success. We came upon xanogen while browsing through several male enhancement pill sites, and wanted to review this supplement for our users after several email requests. We studied the potency of this pill, as well as the ingredients behind it, the marketing, the customer reviews and testimonials, and the claims made by this company so you don’t have to.
What Exactly is Xanogen?
Xanogen is a non prescription supplement that is taken about 30 minutes before sexual activity. It is manufactured by Applied Science Labs, and currently retails at a price of $90 for a one months supply.
Xanogen claims that it will give you increased sexual energy with consistent use of their pills. It is also purported to increase your sexual stamina, vigor, and give you faster recovery times.
What Are The Ingredients in Xanogen?
We took a look at the ingredients behind this pill, many of which are found in other male enhancement supplements. Some of those ingredients included Tribulus Terrestris, L-Arginine, Catuaba Bark Extract, Maca, Epimedium, Xanthoparmelia extract, and cnidium monnier.
It is important to note that Tribulus Terrestris is a very potent ingredient used in this supplement. Tribulus is an extract from the Zygophyllaceae flower, which is common to Africa, Asia, and parts of Europe. It has been used for thousands of years by many cultures to promote sexual vigor and stamina. While this ingredient is important, there is a very low concentration of it in xanogen.
Pros of xanogen
- Fast Acting
- Doctor Approved, according to their website
- Contains Tribulus
- A number of positive reviews on External Websites
Cons of xanogen
- Does Not Appear Available in Stores
- Not Regulated by the FDA
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Overall, xanogen received positive reviews from most customers. Many reported getting firmer, longer lasting erections just a few weeks after taking this supplement. We believe that this is due to the L-Arginine being included in the formulation.
“As a man of average size, I have always desired a larger penis. Since using Xanogen, I’ve have gained roughly 2 inches. I also am able to maintain an erection for far longer than ever before. This was a great side benefit that my new girlfriend greatly appreciated!”
Review on Xanogen website
Our Conclusion
We believe that most of the ingredients in xanogen do actually work, and that it may give you a temporary arousal. Its hard to say whether or not it actually works within 1 month as specified, but the use of L-Arginine and Tribulus Terrestris are indicative of a product that works.