Many men have suffered from erectile dysfunction, and have wondered what they can do about it. Advertisements for Extenze have been all over television for years, promising to help improve your sex life and make you an animal in bed. Bud does Extenze Pills really work the way they say they do? I decided to try these penis enlargement pills myself, and the results were not what I expected.
What is the Promise behind Extenze?
This pill promises to help enlarge your penis through all natural herbs and extracts. It contains many different types of herbs such as Velvet Deer antler, ginseng, etc. and is supposed to increase the blood flow to the penis, resulting in basically stretching the penis outside its normal size.
My Experiment with Extenze
After seeing countless ads about Extenze at all hours of the night, I decided to give the Extenze free trial a try and ordered my pills. I got them about 4 days later in the mail, and began taking the pills as prescribed. After about 2 weeks, I noticed a small gain in my overall length, but not the type of results I was expecting. I figured that it would take a few weeks before I really started seeing results, so I shook it off and just waited. Almost three weeks later and still no results, now I was just getting pissed off!
I Wanted my money back, Now!
I tried calling the Extenze customer service line several times, but was placed on hold for an unusual amount of time. Finally, I just gave up and stopped using the pills and cut my losses. My lesson was learned, Extenze simply does not work for male enhancement. While it was worth a try, it did not live up to its claims, I only hope that no one else falls for their marketing practices.
What did I do Next?
Determined to find something that did work, I went through a variety of other products. Most didn’t work, but i did come across a product that did. We have found a number of other male enhancement products that actually do work.