Butea Superba Gel Review
Butea Superba Gel Review
We have only tested a handful of male enhancement creams in the past few years, and the majority of them have produced practically no results. Knowing this, we approached our analysis of Butea Superba gel very carefully, simply because the claims often produce no results. But does this cream actually work for all natural enhancement? Well, that depends on a variety of factors, many of which we will discuss throughout the context of this article.
What is Butea Superba Gel?
Butea Superba is actually an ingredient that is found in dozens, if not hundreds, of male enhancement pills, creams, ointments, and even lip balms around the world. An herb that is native to Thailand, it is thought to be an effective herbal aphrodisiac to natives, and is actually a very popular extract throughout Southeast Asia to help men with sexual stamina and endurance.

Butea Superba Gel Review
The company that manufactures this product has essentially extracted the substance into a gel form, and indicates that you need to gently apply the gel to your penis several times a day. So what is the intended outcome? Well, according to them, it is supposed to not only increase orgasm intensity, but also to allow you to stay erect for longer periods of time.
Butea Superba gel is supposed to work very quickly, literally in a matter of minutes of application. The concept is that, once it is applied to the penis, the ingredients absorb directly into the shaft, which allows for a quicker reaction time.
There is conflicting reports concerning side effects. In one case, the company reports that there is no fast acting male enhancment supplementsassociated with Butea Superba gel, yet, on their website, there is a precaution that says you should stop applying immediately if a rash occurs. I don’t know about you, but I consider a rash a side effect, no?
Where Can You Buy Butea Superba Gel
Despite that fact that it is heavily advertised in the UK and India, butea superba gel only appears to be sold online. In fact, their are very few retailers that even seem to be selling the product online. Ebay had some bottles for sale, at a price of around $36, which is actually a little bit cheaper than the $40 price we found on the St. Botanica website. Their does not seem to be an official website, at least none that we could find. This is somewhat disturbing and makes us feel like the company that makes Butea Superba Gel has something to hide.
Butea Superba Gel Clinical Study – What It Really Means

Butea Superba Gel Review
You may notice that other sites have said that Butea Superba gel has been clinically studied, but you need to understand what that really means. The actual gel itself has not been studied, but the herbal extract Butea superba was studied by the Chulalongkorn University department of biology, and was determined to help lessen the severity of erectile dysfunction in patients.
This study used participants between the ages of 30 – 70 in Thailand, and ran for about 3 months. The Thai men that were involved in the study ingested a 250 mg capsule of fine granulated Butea Superba, NOT a gel substance of it. This a huge difference here, and there is no correlation that Butea Superba in gel for will work the same exact way.
Gels work by being absorbed through the skin, and are apparently supposed to work faster because you are applying them directly to the source. But the reality is it does not work this way, and no gel for ED has been clinically proven to work faster than a pill.
Butea Superba Gel Pro’s
- Relatively Inexpensive when compared to competing products like ReaQt
- Can be used when performing PE exercises for increased growth
- Does not require a prescription
Butea Superba Gel Con’s
- Gels and Ointments can get messy
- Their is no clinical evidence that Butea Superba Gel will increase your size
- No official website for the product
- No consumer reviews or testimonials
- No doctor endorsements or mention
- Full ingredients list is not disclosed
As mentioned earlier in our review, I personally have not had great results with gels or ointments, and I don’t think they work nearly as well as enhancement pills. The fact that one website stated specifically that a rash may occur makes me not even want to try this product, but I might get around to it anyway. That being said, Butea Superba might be the answer for someone who can’t stomach pills for one reason or another. However, I would use caution and suggest you at the very least visit your local physician to get his/her opinion on the matter.