Blaze.24 Overview
I recently came across a male enhancement product called Blaze 24. Actually, it was a reader of mine who brought it up. Apparently, he’d received a brochure in the mail, and was wondering if I could tell him how well this stuff worked. I told him I wasn’t familiar with the product, but that I’d look into it. At the time, I thought finding information about it would be no problem. After all, it’s what I do. Turns out, finding out about Blaze 24 is something of a wild goose chase.
The only official source of information comes from the company that sells Blaze 24. It’s called FOMDI, which stands for Finest Online Merchandise Distribution Inc. The name tells us that this is not the manufacturer. This is instead a company that promotes and sells products – all kinds of products – online.
How Blaze 24 Works

Blaze.24 Review
That’s okay. Information is information, and as long as it’s credible, who cares where it comes from. So what FOMDI says is that Blaze 24 works just like prescription erectile dysfunction medications, only without the drugs or side effects.
The primary focus of the web page is aimed at directing you which package to purchase, and this decision is based on how bad your erectile issues are. If you’re just not able to have sex at all and/or you want a bigger penis, you go with the 3-bottle package. If you only need erectile help sometimes, you go with the 2-bottle package. And if you just want to have something in case you may need it, you go with the 1-bottle package.
There is a sentence or two that mentions global blood flow improvement so we have to assume that this is the mechanism of action. When you have increased blood flow to the penis, you have bigger, harder erections. Since they say it works like prescription erectile dysfunction medications and that it “acts in the time it takes for you to drop your pants”, we assume Blaze 24 is to be taken as needed, before sexual activity. But this is not explicitly stated.
Blaze 24 Ingredients
Unfortunately, the information on ingredients falls short too. It is stated that they are all natural, but there is nothing more specific on this subject.
Benefits of Blaze 24
·Nothing I can see.
Drawbacks of Blaze 24
- There is no ingredient information available.
- The entire focus of the informational page is on the ordering process.
- The only independent Blaze 24 reviews from customers that we saw were negative, saying that they experienced no results at all.
- There is no FAQ section and information at all is scarce.
Where to Buy
Purchasing information is really the only thing that’s clear about this product. Blaze 24 is available through Fomdi, and you have a few package options. A single bottle costs $39. Two bottles cost $69. And three bottles cost $89.
With the horrible reviews and without any real information about what’s in it and how it works, there’s no reason to choose Blaze 24.