Amino Prime Overview
Bodybuilders have been using protein to help get the most our of their programs for… well, forever. But what they (and you) may not realize is that only about 10% of that protein is being used by their bodies for that purpose. The rest is simply stored to later be turned to fat. According to its official website, Amino Prime can solve this problem, opening the door to explosive workouts and massive gains.
Among the results to expect are:
- Accelerated muscle recovery
- Boosted nitric oxide levels Rock hard muscle building
- Improved sexual performance
How Amino Prime Works
Contrary to whatmyou might think, Amino Prime is not itself a protein source. It’s “protein enhancing enzyme technology,” and it helps your body take any ordinary protein source to new, higher levels.
Without Amino Prime, 80% to 90% of the protein you ingest goes unused, gets stored, and eventually turns into fat. The digestive enzymes in Amino Prime change all that. They open the pathway for full 100% use of any and all protein you ingest.

Amino Prime Review
What happens when you use your protein to its full effect is that amino acids enter the bloodstream at the increased rate necessary for extreme muscle building and fat burning. These higher levels of amino acids fool your stomach into feeling full, all the while building more lean muscle mass. None of the protein gets stored as fat. It all goes into giving you energy, strength, and stamina, and building your huge muscles.
Another benefit is the increased NO2 levels you get from Amino Prime. This gives your muscles that pump you’re looking for, and it’s not bad for the sex drive either.
Amino Prime Ingredients
Although Amino Prime does have an official website with lots of before and after pictures showing massive gains in 4 weeks time, they choose not to share an ingredients list with us. We think this is pretty lame, especially when we’re talking about supplements for bodybuilders. Nobody knows more about nutrition and supplements and digestive enzymes and all that stuff than bodybuilders. These guys want to know what they’re putting in their bodies. But with Amino Prime, that information’s just not out there.
Where to Buy Amino Prime
The only way to pick up Amino Prime is through their website. There are a couple ways to go. The first is a “free trial” offer. You pay only shipping, and they send you a month’s supply. You have 18 days from the order date to decide whether or not you like it. If you do, do nothing and you’ll be charged $79.97 for the “free” bottle, and you’ll be enrolled into their automatic shipping program for $79.97 per month plus shipping.
Otherwise, you can buy a 2 or 3 month supply straight out. The 2 month supply goes for $94.97 and you get an additional bottle for free. The 3 month supply goes for $139.97 and you get a bottle for free as well. Sort of makes you wonder why anyone would use the free trial where you’ll pay $80 for every bottle you buy when you can use one of the other deals to get each bottle for under $35.
But, and this is a big but, the whole thing is shady and confusing because no matter which package you choose, there is a disclaimer saying that if you submit the order you’re agreeing to the autoship program. I think this is a mistake, but for one thing, what if it isn’t and for another thing, why would you buy from a company that makes buying their product so confusing?
Amino Prime Benefits
- If it works like it says it does, then the benefit is that you’ll get much more mileage out of your regular protein source.
Amino Prime Drawbacks·No ingredients are listed.
The only Amino Prime reviews or discussions by real guys who’ve used it or looked into it call the product laughable.
- There is no money back guarantee.
- The free trial offer is confusing and not free.
- There’s simply no science to back up their claims.
It’s true that some guys have trouble digesting protein, especially when they’re supplementing, and that digestive enzymes can help. But this is about bloating and discomfort, not about sending all the protein to be used by your muscles. It seems like the idea behind Amino Prime just came out of nowhere. Since this is not a well established company or product with documented research in the field, I wouldn’t recommend you believe a word they say.
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