Alpha T1 Overview
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If you’re a guy and you’re flying by your 35th year or beyond, you probably feel like those testosterone replacement product commercials on radio and TV and those ads with links on Facebook are aimed squarely at you.
You lack the energy and enthusiasm you used to take for granted. You’re weaker. You’re fatter. And you have just one question about your libido. “Where the hell did it go?” But the fact is, testosterone replacement therapy is expensive, it requires a doctor’s supervision, and according to some research studies, it may cause cardiovascular problems down the road.
So going with a natural supplement that helps boost your body’s own natural testosterone boosting process is almost a no-brainer. The tricky part, though, is picking the right one.
Alpha T1 is a natural testosterone booster made by a company called Advantage Neutraceuticals. They claim to be the best all natural test supplement and to have fat burning properties as well. In fact, the specific claim is that you’ll get shredded in just 10 days. Well that’s a pretty tall claim so we thought it would be a good idea to look a little closer and see what we could find out.
Alpha T1 Benefits
According to the website and marketing materials, the benefits you can expect when you take Alpha T1 include:
· Higher testosterone levels.
· Increased energy and stamina.
· Boosted libido.
· Improved fat mobilization for decreased body fat.
· Better and faster muscle recovery after workouts.
· Increased lean muscle mass and strength.
Alpha T1 Ingredients
They talk about the doctor approved Alpha T1
formula being made up of 8 important ingredients, several of them tested and shown to offer results.
These are:
- D-Aspartic Acid which has been shown in clinical studies to increase testosterone levels in 12 weeks time. It’s found naturally in the body, but decreases as you age, right alongside the decrease in testosterone that also happens.
- Tribulus Terrestris which boost libido and athletic performance. It works by signaling the body to secrete increased luteinizing hormone, which in turn signals the testes to produce and release more testosterone.
- Calcium Fructate which is similar to Boron in its testosterone producing ability as well as its tendency to relieve arthritis pain and improve heart health.
- Forslean which helps reduce body fat by activating an particular enzyme (LIPE) that helps mobilize energy by freeing up fatty acids in fat tissue.
- Alpha GPC 50% which is an antioxidant that contributes to efficient nutrient absorption and helps improve mental capacity.
- Eurycoma Longifolia which inhibits the action of SHBG (Sex Hormone Binding Globulin). SHBG binds to testosterone, making it unavailable for use by the body. Eurycoma Longiflolia keeps SHBG in check so more testosterone remains free and available.
- Deer Antler Velvet which contains IGF-1, a growth factor important for muscle building.
- 7-Keto DHEA which promotes natural fat burning in the body.
- AstraGin which is a proprietary herbal compound that helps your body better absorb nutrients such as amino acids, folate, glucose, and glucosamine.
- BioPerine which comes from black pepper and increases the bioavailability of all other nutrients in Alpha T1.
How To Use Alpha T1
The recommended dose is 2 Alpha T1 capsules taken once or twice daily with a full glass of water. The best times to take it are first thing in the morning, either before or after working out, and/or at bedtime. The ideal cycle is 8 weeks on followed by 4 weeks off. This gives your body a chance to first get acclimated to all the improvements Alpha T1 provides, then to refresh so the effects can be pronounced once again.
Alpha T1 Side Effects and Warnings
The ingredients in Alpha T1 are all natural, and the only warnings on the label are the standard ones you find on basically all nutritional supplements, like that you should be at least 18 to use it and you should consult your doctor if you have any medical conditions or take any medications. I did see one review, however, where the guy stated that Alpha T1 gave him heartburn.
Alpha T1 Reviews
If you look around, you can find lots of customer reviews for Alpha T1, and really they’re pretty mixed. Plenty of guys say they’re really glad they tried it and it’s just great:
“After taking Alpha T1 for less than a week my libido was back, my energy was up, and a great side effect… I feel very relaxed and calm.”
“Not sure if my testosterone has increased but I can say that my energy has increased along with my strength. I feel like I have more energy to exercise and I also seem to recover faster.”
“This product reall worked for me.”
And plenty of guys said it didn’t work at all, or they had bad experiences:
“This product causes heartburn, acid, and leaves a very bad taste… Did nothing for me at all.”
“I feel no difference, no muscle repair after a workout, no strength or mass.”
“Didn’t really notice any improvement in strength or size when taking this. I took the recommended serving as directed for one month and had no gains in size of definition.”
Where to Buy Alpha T1
You can purchase Alpha T1 through their official website or through several online supplement retailers. The 90 count bottle sells for about $49 on the website and $45 most other places. The advantage of buying it from the website is that it comes with a 90 day money back guarantee. So this would definitely be the way to go, at least for your first order. How long a 90 caount bottle will last can vary because you may take as few as 2 pills a day or as many as 6.
Our Alpha T1 Recommendation
The Alpha T1 formula looks good. It covers the bases of natural testosterone boosting fairly well. To be a real contender for the bodybuilding crowd, it should go a little further with maybe something like a nitric oxide booster and/or some creatine or beta alanine. As it is, it would be a fair bet to say that Alpha T1 would have a positive effect on your libido. If you’re looking for much more than that, there are better, more affordable options available.