Alpha Jacked Overview
Daves Rating: 
While the core of our site is to review and rate male enhancement supplements, I have always had a fascination with workout supplements as well, particularly in the pre workout category. One of the latest I’ve come across is called Alpha Jacked. Alpha Jacked promises explosive workouts, laser sharp focus, and mental intensity, amongst other things.
But does it really work the way they say it does? We set out to explore as much about this product as we could, and below is our full and comprehensive review.
What is Alpha Jacked?
When you’re researching a supplement, there’s a number of things you want to know. The most important in my opinion is the ingredients, because if you don’t know what’s in it that what’s to say you won’t have any side effects or adverse reactions from it.
Another would be independent testimonials and reviews, preferably on neutral platforms like forums or yahoo answers. Social proof is essential to understanding the effectiveness of a supplement, and a personal recommendation from a friend or colleague takes some of the skepticism out of the process.
Yet another important aspect is the reputation of a company and their product info. It’s one thing when your’e buying a product in a local store like GNC or Vitamin shoppe. You know the supplements you are looking at in those stores have been vetted by the higher ups at GNC, and that it comes from a reputable manufacturer. After all, they have their own reputation to protect, right?
Finally, and this is probably the most important of them all, you’ll want to know how it works. What is it that makes this
supplement so effective that you’ll be willing to spend your hard earned money to buy it?
I know you’re probably saying to yourself right now “Ok, get on with it, what is Alpha Jacked all about?!” Well, therein lies
the problem….
None, and I mean absolutely 100% NONE, of this information is available. Don’t believe me? I now present to you a screenshot
of the official Alpha jacked website…
That’s it….No testimonials page, no “How It Works” page, and certainly no list of ingredients. The only thing that they have is the customer support number featured right in the center of the page, and a brief mention that their ingredients are “grown, harvested, raised (you can raise an ingredient?), and processed in an ecological manner”.
Geez, I’m ready to get out my credit card right now!!!
All jokes (bad ones at that) aside, that really is it. There’s nothing more the company has to say about their product.
So Has Anyone Even Used It?
Well, I poured through dozens of forum links and websites, and could literally not find one person who used it. The ad that I saw that originally sparked my interest in it said that major A-list celebs like the Rock and Mark Wahlberg were using it, but I could see no mention of them ever taking it.
I actually did come across one supposed “Unbiased Review” of Alpha Jacked, and it was nothing short of comical. Check it out below…
“It was also my heartiest wish few months before to make my body muscles lean and ripped. I am doing job as police office and it is my job nature that I have to build my muscles strong and hard. I had not leisure time to spend in gym in taking exercise. ”
^ This was clearly written by an foreigner who has very little comprehension of the english language, not someone who has used Alpha Jacked. But I digress….
There are numerous other sites that look like this, and obvisouly they are of no help. I did, however, find numerous complaints about their free trial. You see, that free trial you heard about is just that….a free TRIAL. Not a free SAMPLE. When you put in your credit card information to pay the $4.95 for shipping, what they tell you (in very fine print like this) is that 14 days after ordering you will be charged $87.47 if you don’t cancel your trial.
Don’t believe me?? Check it out below…
Companies like this one bank on the fact that you probably won’t take the time to read this, and a good portion f customers go right ahead and skip it.
This could end up becoming a costly mistake, as is evident in this post on the consumer protection website,
“I saw this supplement on line and looked into it. I didn’t find much on it because it was new. It’s says its a free trial and I only have to pay shipping. Well I got it an it it was mith (sic) supply I thought that was strange… Well after two weeks I got charged for the rest of the month and was enrolled to get each month… Besides all of this the product didn’t produce any outcome that they advertised”
- They have a customer support phone number
- They have a website
- No mention of the ingredients
- No mention of how it works
- No doctor endorsements/testimonials
- No independent customer reviews
I’m not even sure if Alpha Jacked is even for sale anymore, mainly because when I click on links on “third party” sites I am redirected to other offers like Elite Test 360, Alpha Max Boost, and others. That said, I think it’s pretty obvious that this supplement will likely not do anything for you, short of draining money from your bank account.
If you feel you have been scammed by this company, you can always file a complaint with the BBB, or contact your credit card companies to dispute the charge. Now that you have the knowledge to protect yourself from scam supplement offers like this, next time you come across a supplement like Alpha Max you can say with confidence, “Hell No!”.