Welcome To The Most Extensive
Male Enhancement Review Site
There are hundreds, if not thousands of male enhancement product review
websites on the internet all claiming that they are the answer to your prayers. Many of them claim
that they have tried out dozens of products, when in reality they have only checked out about 5 or
6 products. We are literally THE FIRST site to provide you, the visitor, with the
most up-to-date and factual information concerning male enhancement products.
Do Male Enhancement Pills REALLY Work?
The Truth About Male Enhancement
Scams and Deception In The Industry
Latest Products I’ve Tested
My Personal Top Choices
What is The purpose of this site?
We aim to be the leading source on the internet about male enhancement pills and products. I
started this site because I was tired of all of the BS being tossed around by either scammy
webmasters looking to make a buck off of unsuspecting customers, or companies making RIDICULOUS
claims about enlargement. So, what makes me any different?
Why Should You Believe Us? Because We Actually Buy These Products and Test Them.
We have actually tested over 70 Different types of male enhancement products, and
base our reviews on a wide variety of criteria, including:
- Personal Results
- Quality of the Ingredients
- Potential for side effects
- Results of Others using the products
- Pricing and Value
- Money Back Guarantees
- Discreet Shipping
I receive emails on a daily basis from guys who are looking to increase their size,
and I can’t tell you how many sob stories I have come across. Some guys have tried practically
every product they’ve come across, and usually with very little result. Well, it’s really
no surprise to me because…
Do Male Enhancement Pills REALLY Work?
Every, single day I get an email from some guy who’s wondering which pill works to give you permanent enlargement. If I had a dollar for every time I was asked that
question, I would be a pretty rich dude…
There are hundreds of supplement companies out there that make false and deliberate
promises about their product giving you a permanent increase in size. The FTC and FDA cracked down
on alot of them over the years, but that doesn’t stop dozens more from popping up all the
So, is there a male enhancement pill that will give you a permanent gain in size?
The answer is an unequivacol NO! Let me repeat, there is NO pill or
supplement on god’s green earth that will give you a permanent increase in size! (at least not one
that I’ve come across)
The same goes for testosterone boosters like Nugenix, Testofuel, and many others.
Sure, they may cause a slight increase in blood flow, which of course would result in a larger erection.
But this effect is temporary, and will in no way give you any sort of permanent increase in size.
The allure of popping a pill to solve all of life’s problems is pretty well
ingrained in most Americans minds, but the simple TRUTH is there is no magical pill that will give
you a HUGE increase in size overnight. It just won’t happen, sorry guys!
The TRUTH About Male Enhancement
Now that we got that out of the way, let’s talk about options that can REALLY give
you a permanent gain in size. As mentioned earlier, I have tried dozens of different products,
and I’ve also personally seen an increase in 2.5 inches in length, and a 1 inch length in
From my extensive experience testing these products, I have seen three options that
“may” give you a noticeable size gain, and in most cases, this size gain would be permanent. They
Option #1: Using Enlargement Exercises coupled with an “enhancement” pill.There is literally a whole underground society of men that practice techniques to
increase the size of their penis. Over the years, I have actively studied and implemented
the techniques discussed on those forums and message boards in an effort to give
myself a much larger size.
I’ve personally noted the best size increases with enlargement exercises when
combining them with a enhancement pill, like one of my top choices here.
These exercises take a bit of time to work, but they REALLY do work. Just see some
of the feedback I’ve gotten from guys who have followed the tips in my FREE “Enlargment Exercises”
If you would like to sign up for my free ebook, you can do so below:
Sign Up For My FREE 52 Page Ebook
Enlargment Exercises Ebook ($67 Value!)

Option #2: The Use of A Penile Traction Device, or Extender.
An extender, as the name implies, “extends” the length of the penis using the theory of traction.
To the uninformed, traction is a fancy word for stretching. An extender literally stretches the penis to become longer over time. The idea was derived, in part, from the methods that women in African tribes used (and still do) a neck ring to elongate their neck.
Through the use of an extender, over time, the cells that make up the part of part of the penis that fills with blood during erection divide and replicate. This replication causes you to get longer, with some guys seeing size gains of as much as 2 inches in length, and 1 inch in girth.
Extenders are also one of the ONLY clinically proven products that meet certain medical standards, and are often approved for use by leading urologists.
Click Here To Check Out The Top Extenders I’ve Tested
Option #3: Water Based Vacuum Pumps
The third option is via the use of a water based vacuum pump. Basically, the way these pumps work is by creating a vacuum which draws blood into the penis, creating a full erection. You use the pump in the shower or tub for about 10 – 15 min. a day, making it a more convenient option for men looking for permanent male enhancement.
Pumps come in a wide array of uses, including using an air based system as opposed to water. From personal experience, water based systems are MUCH more comfortable, and has a SIGNIFICANTLY less chance of getting any adverse reactions.
Click Here To Check Out The Top Penile Pumps I’ve Tested
Like any other exercise, these options above do require continual exercises to keep the gains you have. Think about it this way, let’s say you wanted to lose 20 lbs. Well, you diet and exercise, right?
If you lost the weight, do you think you could just go back to eating whatever you want and not work out? Of course not, and the same applies to male enhancement. It’s a continual and gradual process that, when applied the right way, can give you enhanced gains you can be proud of.
Scams And Deception In The Industry
Many male enhancement products, especially pills, claim that they can grow you 4 to 6 inches in a matter of months (sometimes even less!), and give you up to 2 or 3 inches in girth. On top of that, there are tons of manufacturers that promise permanent gains, which are simply NOT possible.
While these claims are investigated throughout this site, its important for you to understand these claims. Do you really think any pill can make your penis 6 inches bigger? Regardless of what product you try, no pill on the market can create an erection this large. Even surgery, which may cost upwards of $10,000, can’t really increase your penis size this much.
Free Trial Scams!
There are TONS of supplement companies that run this shady operation. Basically what they do is promise you a free sample of their product, when indeed it is actually a free TRIAL. What this means is that after you sign up to receive your bottle, they end up charging your credit card a VERY hefty amount to keep the bottle.
Some supplement companies that do this include ripped muscle x, hyper fuel 9x, Xtreme Nitro, and Formula T10, but there are literally THOUSANDS of other supplements that do the same thing! Read more in the link below.
You should be very careful of the claims made by alot of these companies.
Companies that claim you will grow 4 inches in a month is simply not true! Lookout for claims like:
- 6 Sneaky Tricks To Grow Your Penis, Read This.
- Free Trials? Most are scams, Read This.
- 100% All Natural? Yeah Right… Read This.
- Permanent Penis Enlargement From Pills? Read This.
Oftentimes, they enlist paid endorser’s to review their product and give them a positive testimonial. While enhancement pills do work, they can only work to a certain extent. Most of the time it is a combination of diet and exercise, genetics, and knowledge. Sign up for our free 52 page enlargement exercise guide to the right of this page to learn how you can enhance your penis naturally.
Porn Star Scams
There are certain websites around the internet which use the likeness of some very high profile porn stars in an effort to promote male enhancement pills. While I had a HUGE article written on one of them in particular, I had to remove the article under threat of lawsuit.
Without naming any names, these porn stars create the illusion that they’ve used some sort of male enhancement pill to give them a bigger size. I mean, why wouldn’t you believe them when they’re hung like a horse, right?
Well, the truth of the matter is, that these adult film stars are nothing more than a paid endorser of some other persons supplement. They use the name and likeness to imply “believability” and “trust”, when the reality is far from the truth.
Don’t let them fool you…they didn’t use any male enhancement pills. MAny of them are paired up with VERY small girls to give the appearance that they are bigger, the producers use trick photography, they literally use fake penis attachments, or they are simply born with it.
Now that you understand some of the scams and deceptions that run rampant in the industry, I think it’s also important to note some of the other “hidden” dangers.
Illegal Ingredients Found in Male Enhancement Pills
Some companies really have no shame…in an effort to make a product appear to work well, many of them will inject illegal ingredients into their products. By illegal, I mean they literally put the active ingredient in pharmaceutical drugs (like the one that starts with V and ends with Agra) into their pills.
That sounds great and all, but there are some REAL hidden dangers behind this. For one, drugs like the one we all know about can cause a HUGE drop in blood pressure. If you are already taking medication to lower your blood pressure, taking something like this could lower it to DANGEROUS levels, potentially being fatal.
The FDA has released dozens of warnings over the years about pills were identified to have illegal ingredients in them, but when one comes down, usually another one pops up.Bookmark their warnings page and check it out whenever your thinking about getting a male enhancement supplement.
Counterfeit Products Made Overseas
This is a big one. Many overseas producers of top name brands will literally make a counterfeit version of a popular product. They inject either illegal ingredients (like the ones listed above), or source their ingredients from VERY low quality places.
Who cares, as long as it’s cheap, right? Well, if you don’t mind eating poop and ecoli, than by all means have at it! You see, these companies get their ingredients from low grade farmers overseas, who don’t follow NEARLY the stringent requirements found here in the United States.
When tested, many of these ingredients contain a significant amount of some really nasty stuff, including:
- Animal Feces
- Animal Vomit
- Ecoli contamination
- Dangerous Bacteria and Viruses
Not to mention the fact that they might not even work, they could also potentially make you very, VERY sick…I’ve seen this in many different products, including Vigrx Plus and Vimax.
Latest Products I’ve Tested (Updated Weekly!)
Alpha Strike is a male enhancement pill that I was questioned about from one of my sites visitors. You can only find it in GNC, and according to them, it not only works to enhance sexual function and libido, but also helps improve lean muscle and strength.
Well, my personal test was not so great. Click here to learn more about Alpha Strike in my personal review.
While the focus of this site is on male enhancement products, I find myself testing out a wide variety of other supplements as well. One product I recently came across is called Xtreme Nitro.
Promising to help promote enhanced muscle strength and size, Xtreme Nitro uses all natural ingredients that “they” say work just like steroids.
But there is another, more seedy side to this supplement, and you’ll find out why in my review.
Latest Section – Penile Pumps
We’ve been testing out various pumps at the request of our visitors, and have had a chance to narrow down our top 3. If you haven’t figured it out already, pumps use the theory of stretching to helping increase both the length and the girth of your penis.
Check out our Top 3 Penis Pump Choices
Latest Review! – Nitrocut Pre Workout
Lately we’ve started testing a wide variety of pre workout supplements in and effort to provide our visitors with the most comprehensive and factual information.
Nitrocut is a pre workout supplement that uses L-Arginine as it’s principle ingredient. L-Arginine relaxes the smooth muscle tissues surrounding blood vessels and arteries in an effort to help increase blood flow, giving you numerous benefits.
Check out my personal review and results from Nitrocut here.
Latest T-Booster Review – Testofuel
Low testosterone levels have a direct correlation on male libido, and right around the age of 30, men begin to see a decline in their testosterone by 1% per year. While there are plenty of prescription medications, gels, and creams that help restore those levels, they often come with dangerous side effects.
Recently, we’ve begun testing a wide variety of all natural testosterone boosters, and one of the supplements we’ve tested is called Testofuel.
Read more about how it works in our official Testofuel review.
Latest HGH Releaser Review – HyperGH 14X
While the focus of this site is to review male enhancement supplements, we’ve begun testing a wide range of products that help mold the body your looking for.
Bodybuilders rely on supplements that work, and HyperGH 14X is no exception. This all natural HGH releaser helps your body to produce more of it’s own growth hormone, without all of the nasty side effects of prescription injections.
Check out more in our official HyperGH 14X review.
Our Top Choices For Male Enhancement
Product | Ingredients | Sexual Desire | Enhancement Capability | User Reviews | Sexual Stamina | Our Review |
VigRx Plus | 10/10 | 9/10 | 10/10 | 10/10 | 10/10 | |
Pro Solution | 9/10 | 9/10 | 8/10 | 9/10 | 10/10 | |
Vimax | 9/10 | 10/10 | 9/10 | 9/10 | 9/10 |
Click Here To See Our Top Choices For Male Enhancement Full Comparison and Review of these products.
Many of these products have been featured in leading mens health magazines including:
If you see any product reviews which you believe are false, or have had success using any of the male enhancement pills listed on this site, feel free to write us an email. We will review your claim and if your lucky, we’ll place it on our site (if you allow). In addition, If you were looking for a specific product and can’t find it here, be sure to email us as well. We will be sure to include it in our reviews in the next site update.
Our Guarantee To You
We started this site because of the lack of clear reviews of great male enhancement products. We were tired of reading all of the B.S. and wanted to find the products with the best results. The reviews, testimonials, and product pages are all based on information we thoroughly researched, and from product recommendations. We guarantee that you will find our resource among the top male enhancement review sites on the internet.
So how exactly does male enhancement work?
There is such a misconception as to how exactly male enhancement works on the web that many guys simply give up in frustration and figure there is nothing that can work for them. One of the most common misconceptions is permanent enlargement, which I receive questions about nearly everyday. The best way for natural AND permanent enlargement is through the use of an extender device combined with a male enhancement pill. I have tested dozens of products, pills, and ointments, and found that this is the most plausible way to natural grow sustainable size.
We have dozens of articles throughout the site that talk about the various aspects of male enhancement, including do pills work, differences between permanent and temporary engorgement, and much more. Take a look at some articles of interest below:
Natural Male Enhancement Vs. Prescription Medications – Talks about the key differences between the two, and examines the pro’s and con’s of each.
Are Enhancement Pills Permanent – An article outlining the REAL truth about male enhancement pills, the kind of truth 90% of the manufacturers out there DONT want you to know!
We also have various articles that address specic ailiments such as:
Options For Men With A Removed Prostate
Side Effects of Prescription Meds
And Dozens More. We invite you to explore the site, and if you have a hard time finding what you are looking for, check out the search box in the upper right hand corner of the page. If your’e looking for it, we have probably written about it at some point.
Click Here To See Our Top 3 Choices For Male Enhancement.
Our Most Popular Reviews in the Past 30 days:
All Reviews By Dave Walker